We’ve done several other updates with Jack along the way. His journey has taken him from almost shutting his business down and going to pump gas at the airport to today, where his business is doubled again year-over-year. He is in a much better place as a business owner, husband, and father.
Here are some of the things that Jack and Elmore talk about:
- Through May of this year, his business has already doubled over last year. Jack is very happy about that!
- He’s come a long way from wanting to shut his business down and pump gas at the airport.
- He realizes that he has to control his business. He can’t let his employees and customers control his business.
- He knows his numbers all the time.
- He knows his key performance indicators and has made them transparent for everyone on the team.
- He has created a performance culture in his business.
- He has defined performance levels for his team and everyone knows where they stand.
- He has established the Arnold Electric Way.
- Even with all the physical change in his business, the one thing that is changing the most is Jack’s perspective on his business.
- He can’t wait to come to work every day!!!
- He’s done all of this without compromising his family life.
Jack has done a great job in a relatively short amount of time. Make no mistake though, he’s put in hard work and a lot of time to make the transition with his business. He has also trusted Service Excellence Training to guide him and train his team through this process.
Jack Arnold started his journey to doubling his business by attending one of our PRESS PLAY programs in Austin, TX. If you would like to know more about how you can double your business, check out our upcoming programs, or fill out the contact form below.
Check out these upcoming classes:
The Jack Chronicles
Jack Arnold’s Transformation from Time and Material to Flat Rate
The Transformation of Arnold Electric
Jack’s Journey – A Success Story in the Making
Jack Arnold’s Flat Rate Transformation
Jack Arnold Update: The Blessings of Setbacks
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