
Your Money Machine

Have you ever been to a carnival or other event that had a big clear box full of money? People line up for their chance to step into the box, but when someone flips the switch all the money or coupons start flying around. The person jumps and grabs at the money to try to claim as much of it as they can in their turn, but their hands are only so big. They end up dropping some of the money as they go for bigger and bigger bills. 

Our industry is exactly like a money machine. 

The Home Trade Industry Is A Money Machine

There’s always a switch that can be unpredictably flipped in our industry. Whether it’s high demand for AC units or a weather system causing home repairs, every company steps into that money machine when the switch flips. 

All those bills flying around are clients that companies fight over, but the clients they hold in their hands are sometimes dropped as they reach for more and more business. It always seems like you step out of the money machine with less than you went in with.

How To Beat The Money Machine

There are a few lessons to learn today that will help you avoid the classic money machine struggle that so many companies face.

H – Hold

When you get money – or clients – hold onto them. Provide the best service and ensure your clients will be returning to use your company time after time. Don’t lose those customers because you’re aiming for a bigger bill flying around in your money machine. Prevent cancelations at all costs!

A – Automate

When you are in that money machine, there’s only so much you can grab yourself. Use the help of either automation or delegation, or both. Automation will help make customer outreach and reminders for yourself much smoother and allow you to achieve more. 

Incorporate technology into the modern day sales approach to make sure you are closing every lead and giving a strong follow up game without having to personally take care of these actions.

T – Tenacity

You have to have a winner’s mindset. Of course, you want strong competition to push you and fair standards to work by, but at the end of the day you need to have confidence. Have the courage to go out and get that win, close that deal or sell that product – and do it better than your competitors!

Never Forget These Money Machine Truths

  1. There’s always money in the machine. The world, your county, your community always has money in it. There will always be some degree of demand or client available to you. Always.
  2. The money machine is easier when it’s off. Fewer competitors will pay attention when the money isn’t flying around. When there is less awareness or demand, you have a strong opportunity to enter the market and pick up the money off the floor. You don’t even have to catch the money out of the air! 

More Service Excellence Lessons

Here at Service Excellence, we want you to crank up your personal and professional power. If you’re interested in learning more lessons, or if there’s anything we can do to help your team IGNITE THE POWER WITHIN, give us a call!

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