
What Is Culture?


Many companies think that culture is meant for big companies that have huge employment groups, but it’s for all companies! The problem is that we often don’t really know what culture means. This usually causes the culture at our company to feel unintentional. 

Culture Is A Feeling

Do you remember when you used to go to your grandparents’ house when you were young? There was always a feeling or a culture to going to visit your grandparents. There were things you loved about the experience, things you probably still remember about visiting. And there were probably things you got in trouble for or couldn’t do. These things make up the culture you remember of their home and your relationship with them. This was all before you knew what culture was, but you knew how it made you feel.

It may be an opinionated definition, but to me, culture means how you feel. What are the emotions that well up inside you when you’re in a specific place? How does that place make you feel? It’s the difference between going to Disney and Six Flags. They’re both fun, and I like them both. But there’s a magic at Disney that has been cultivated intentionally as its culture. 

How To Make A Culture

Culture starts with you — the leader of the organization. The leader has to make intentional choices to promote the culture they want to see in their business. Even after all of these decades, even after Walt Disney’s death, even after the company has expanded and changed so much, the culture of Disney is still legendary. At its core, it’s still magic. 

Culture is made when leadership makes conscious decisions to turn an entity into an experience. 

What Is Service Excellence’s Culture?

Our guiding values are a huge part of what makes our culture so unique. Each principle that our team and our clients subscribe to makes the culture that much stronger and integral to how we function as a company.

Encouraging Empathy

We are always there for our team members and our people. It’s important to us that they know we genuinely care.

Radical Transformation

We want our clients and team members to have a radical change in their lives. One of the ways we measure transformation is by growth, and we are above a 30% growth year over year for many of our clients. That’s radical transformation. 

Overwhelming Diligence

We don’t give up on people when it gets hard. We push through, ask uncomfortable questions and encourage hard work.

Think About Culture

What is your culture? Take a moment to describe what your culture currently is and what you want your culture to become. What example do you want to give your employees and clients to work by? If you’re struggling to establish a strong culture or want the best version of your culture, ask for help. Take control of your business by exploring Service Excellence’s training classes and resources. Our coaches will help you make a culture you and your team can be proud of.


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