
I Need To Talk To My Spouse

By Todd Liles I Need To Talk To My Spouse
A husband and wife talking to each other

The “I need to talk to my spouse” response is near the top of the list of tough objections salespeople and technicians face in the field. This is such a tough sales objection because the salesperson can feel like the client has drawn a line in the sand.

It can feel like the client is saying to you, “Don’t you dare go there. You know you’re not supposed to cross this line.” However, giving the customer what they want isn’t always the best choice. There are ways to handle this situation when it arises, and Service Excellence can help you learn how to implement these tactics into your daily communications. Read on to learn more.


4 Keys To Winning The “I need to talk to my spouse” Sales Objection

You don’t have time to consult a long script of solutions when faced with objections in the field. That’s why our solutions are simple and easy to remember.

1. Understand Your Client’s Personality

In the study of the 4 DISC Profiles, results have shown that the “spouse” sales objection often isn’t even an objection. It’s actually a smokescreen or “a little white lie.” By using this objection, a client covers the truth to avoid conflict.

Over 45% of the population falls into a “High Stability” personality. This type of person is motivated by feeling safe and secure and wants to avoid conflict at all costs. With those odds, you must master handling this objection because you will confront it time and time again with this personality type.

Learn how to identify and effectively sell to different personality types in our classroom sales training series.

Woman shaking plumber's hand

2. This Objection Is Not Always An Excuse

Many business consulting experts agree that objections are actually a sign of interest. By paying attention to the areas of your presentation where a customer has objections, you can discover the topics that they find most important and most interesting. They may not be objecting to making a decision simply because they want to avoid conflict.

There are times when your client may not have the power to make the decision without their significant other involved in the process. So, the best option here is to determine the situation that is going to cause their uncertainty and address it before it becomes an issue. This brings us to our third key point.

3. Know When To Address This Objection

You should address the objection before it occurs! Use your observation skills and common sense on this one. If you observe that the client is a High S (conflict-averse) personality, and is constantly bringing up his or her spouse, that can mean one of two things:

  • The client has not reached a comfort level with you.
  • You’re probably going to hear the “I need to talk to my spouse” sales objection.

When this happens, you must use your experience and training to determine if this will be an opportunity that will require both of them present.

For good measure, follow this rule: When repairs exceed single-spouse approval, you need the involvement of the other spouse.

There are 2 very basic steps that will eliminate the “I need to talk to my spouse” sales objection.

  1. Give your sales presentation with both homeowners present
  2. Confirm the time needed in advance

The best way to assure that this happens is to train your Client Service Representatives to confirm the two qualifiers before the Sales Representative arrives for the Sales Appointment.

4. Identify If The Objection Is A Real Condition

When faced with this objection, your goal is to determine if you are dealing with a “smokescreen” or a genuine condition. With a smokescreen, we need to isolate the truth. With a condition, we need to take the appropriate objection handling steps. Let’s take a look at the scripts below:

Discover If This Is A Smokescreen
Client: I need to talk to my spouse.
Tech: That makes a lot of sense, Betty. Do you think he will have some questions about what we covered today?
Client: Yes I do.
Tech: What type of questions do you think that John will ask?
Client: He’ll probably ask about the price.
Tech: Well, that’s an easy one to answer. Do you think he will ask about the technical side of the installation process?
Client: I don’t think so. Probably not, he is more concerned about price.
Tech: Oh. Well what do you think he will say about that price?
Client: It’s too high.
Tech: I bet that is exactly what he’ll say. Betty, what do you say about the price?

The customer’s response to this question will reveal whether they’re actually concerned about involving their spouse or if the problem is something else altogether.

Smokescreen Response:
Client: Well, um. This is a little awkward, but I think the price is a little high.

You have just discovered that the spouse is probably not the issue. It’s the client’s perception of your value and price. What you need to do now is begin addressing this new objection: “I can’t afford it”.

Condition Response:
On the other hand, if they say, “I think the price is perfectly fine,” then you are dealing with a real concern for their spouse. You have 2 choices here:

  • Get their spouse involved over the phone.
  • Set an appointment to come back and visit with them together.

You will have to make the best call here. Understandably, whether you are on a big sales lead or a low service call opportunity, this decision can weigh heavily into the right course of action.

Let’s take a look at how to set a new appointment with the spouse.

Tech: Betty, let’s make sure John gets the full picture, because I reviewed a lot of information today, and I understand that it is a lot to consider. I can come back this afternoon and review these options with both of you at the same time. Will you take a look at your calendar? 6:00 works for me. Would that work for both of you?

Practice New Skills With Classroom Training

Did you know that the best way to learn a new technique is to practice with experts who can give you instant feedback? When you practice in the presence of experts, you get the following benefits:

  • Clear direction and instruction
  • Confidence from practice
  • Instant feedback
  • Training that comes alive when you’re in the field

If you’re interested in these benefits and more, then attend our next PRESS PLAY Training Series for Sales and Techs.

Learn How To Handle Objections

Check out all of our resources on handling all of the Big 5 Objections. Service Excellence is here to make your team efficient and successful. With industry experts and experienced coaches at your disposal, your team will be happier and more productive.

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