
PRESS Before You PLAY- Prepare

On this week’s podcast, Chris & Chris continue to go through “PRESS before you PLAY”. They discuss how to be prepared with M.A.G.I.E.



You must start your day with a positive mindset or attitude. Always remember that if you think you will have a bad day, you probably will. If you think that it will be a good day, with good opportunities, it probably will be. Your customer can read your mindset. Make it positive.



Even though you’re not supposed to “judge a book by its cover”’, most people will judge you by your appearance. You should never leave for work without being clean, we’ll-groomed, and properly dressed. Throughout the day, every customer should get the clean, well-groomed, and properly dressed you. Take care with your appearance. The customer will judge your technical ability and decide whether or not to trust you based on how you look.



There are three parties that have goals for this call – you, the customer, and the company. The customer wants their problem fixed properly for a reasonable price. The company wants the problem fixed properly for a reasonable price. You want the problem fixed properly for a reasonable price. Although these goals seem to be aligned, there is most likely a difference of opinion on how to achieve this common goal. The customer probably wants to spend money only on what it takes to fix it. You and the company, as the experts, want the customer to do everything that will make the system last longer, work better, be safer, and be more reliable. That should mean taking care of issues that aren’t broken but might break, that might cause other things to break, or might make the system unsafe. Because the way to achieve the goal of “fixed properly for a reasonable price” might not be aligned, the potential for a real or perceived issue with integrity could arise.



The PRESS PLAY Way demands that we must act with absolute integrity. This means we never lie or manipulate a customer to get them to buy something from us. This means we never offer something to a customer that they do not need. Anyone that does this does not belong on the team.



Another way we act with absolute integrity is by doing the whole job every time. We never cut corners and we always make sure we explore every part of the customer’s HVAC system. Our customers count on us to be their HVAC experts.

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