
Overcoming Your Fears of Selling

On this podcast, Chris Elmore and Chris Loudermilk talk about how to overcome your fears of selling. Most of us sell something in our daily lives. Even when we were babies, we had to sell someone on feeding us when we were hungry, holding us when we were fussy, and changing our diapers when we needed it. As we’ve gotten older, it’s gotten harder to sell. We have to learn to sell in a different way. As techs or salespeople, you are selling all day long, every day. For some, it can be a very anxious and fear-filled experience.


Here are the 5 most common fears we hear:


“I’m afraid I will overwhelm the customer.” This happens because we don’t set the expectations for the customer. We have to make sure they understand that we will be checking the entire system. You owe it to the customer to set the expectations and then do exactly that – check the whole system. This will show the customer that you are thorough and really have their best interest at heart.


 “I’m afraid I’ll be too salesy.” This comes from your fear of looking like the stereotypical negative, slick salesperson that manipulates the customer. But you already are a “salesman”. You just think it’s bad to be one. This comes from all the actual negative, slick, manipulative salespeople that have ruined the reputation. It also comes from your lack of practice and mastery of your process. You overcome this fear by mastering your sales or service process through practicing until you can’t get it wrong.


“I’m afraid I’ll offend the customer if I ask them to buy.” Some techs and salespeople believe their job is to just lay out the issues or solutions and let the customer choose. But the customer isn’t qualified to choose. They don’t have your knowledge and experience. They have the right to choose. It’s your job to make a great recommendation that helps it last longer, be safer, work better, and last longer. You owe it to the customer to make a recommendation and ask them to buy it.


“I’m afraid I’ll miss a step.” and “I’m afraid I’ll get it wrong.” You’re really just worried about being embarrassed. If you think this, you’re probably right. This is another fear that can be overcome by practicing and mastering your sales and service process. Once you master it, you will have internalized it. When this happens, it’s almost impossible for you to miss something or get it wrong.


You’ll notice that in all of the fears above, mastering and using your sales and service process will help you overcome these fears. This is exactly what the PRESS PLAY process is designed to do for you AND your customers. No matter which process you use, you have to practice it, master it, and use it to overcome your fears of selling.

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