
Maximizing Maintenance Inspections

On this week’s podcast, Chris and Chris talk about how to maximize maintenance inspections. With the weather cooling down, HVAC companies are beginning their heating maintenance inspection cycle. Plumbing and electrical companies are usually doing these at all times of the year. No matter which trade you are in, the methods for maximizing the results on inspections are the same.


Change your mindset.

It’s tempting to look at maintenance inspections as boring and tedious. If you think that they do become boring and tedious, then they will be. Consider each inspection as an opportunity. The customer has paid your company to take themselves off the market. They want you there to help them prevent future issues. Do a thorough job and see every call as an opportunity to serve the customer. Don’t just try to get the call “knocked out”.

Slow down.

Another thing that happens is that we schedule too many inspections in a day. We think we can “knock them out” but we miss the opportunities. We go so fast because we have more calls to do. If you’re an owner or manager, do yourself a favor. Don’t schedule more than 3 inspections per day. You’ll get more because your techs will work slower and pay more attention to the details.

Involve the customer and ask questions.

Just as with the “knock it out” mentality, we have to slow down and get the customer involved. Many customers think that there’s no need for them to be involved because it’s just an inspection. Change their mindset by talking with them and asking them questions just as you would on a diagnostic call. This will give you more insight into possible issues.

Set expectations upfront.

While talking with the customer, set the expectations of what you will be doing. Show them your inspection checklist and tell them what to expect. Tell them what you will be checking. If you do this, when you share the results of your inspection, the customer won’t be as surprised that you found things that need to be done. If they aren’t surprised, they will more willingly have you do the work.

Offer good options.

Maintenance calls can sometimes be treated differently because the customer has the perception that they’ve already paid for it. If you adopt this mindset, you are less likely to present options. Make sure to present multiple options just as you would on a service call.

It’s tempting to treat maintenance inspections as something less than important. You might even try to get them “knocked out”. Remember that they are good opportunities if you change the way you treat them. The customer has trusted your company enough to make it “their company” for plumbing, electrical, or HVAC. Don’t let them down. Do your best on every call and you will maximize every one.

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