
Producing BIG Add-ons Without Selling

The add-on sale produces a mixed set of feelings. If you view this through the technician or the homeowners mind, then you’ll understand why.

Most technicians think they are there to fix the problem that the homeowner has called them about.

Most homeowners believe they only have a singular problem. They surely don’t want a technician looking for problems that don’t exist.

So, there is a fundamental and unspoken agreement between most technicians and most homeowners. It’s this, “Don’t go looking for more problems.” RELATED: Homeowner Objections

 It’s easy to sympathize with the homeowner or the technician that thinks they’re there just to make it “work again.” However, the real solutions are almost never simply making a system function at its base level. The best solutions are typically by-products of a multistep approach to resolving the clients’ issues. This means the best results are typically delivered with the add-on sale.

In today’s training video, you’re going to get five powerful keys to the add-on sale. You’ll find these five approaches very easy and practical. I will provide reference examples for the plumber, electrician, roofer, and the HVAC technician.



5 Powerful Keys to the Add-on Sale

 # 1: Like

Likability is one of the most powerful tools a technician can possess. To increase your likability, be sure to be friendly and warm. Also, be sincere. Nobody likes a fake.

#2: Trust

Clients want to know that they can trust you. Prove you are trustworthy by providing the little details. If the office tells your client over the phone that you will be wearing protective shoe covers, then make sure you do. These little details go a long way in building trust.

#3: Inspection

A thorough inspection is the best friend of any technician or senior adviser. It builds great value for you as a professional, and huge credibility compared to the competition. The inspection is also what leads to legitimate add-on sales. In the video, I discuss some simple ways to make the inspection a natural part of the process.

#4: Education

A confused homeowner never buys. So, the big part of your job is to educate your homeowner.  Use only the key aspects of your findings. Don’t be too technical. However, don’t assume your clients can’t handle some of the technical details. The bottom line, is give your clients the information they need

#5: Permission

Permission-based selling is fantastic. RELATED: The Sales Series When you ask the client for permission to provide them with options, then you are removing the pressure of the sale. In the video, you’ll hear a few examples of how to ask permission to provide options.

These five keys create sales naturally and easily. If you use them well, then you will be seen as an amazing service provider. Yes, you also will be selling well, but you’ll never be seen or labeled a “salesperson.”

After you put this in use in the field, send me an email or give me a call and let me know how it worked out for you

Question: What’s your favorite add-on sale?  Share your answer on Facebook.

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