
Your Candidate Lost, Now What?

I’m writing this at 7:35 am on November the 3rd. Which means I have no idea if your candidate won or lost. What I do know, is that some people are going to very happy with the election results, and some are going to be very upset.

And, I imagine that social media is being set afire with very strongly worded opinions about the results.

This short message is meant for the leaders of the world. The entrepreneurs that set the tone. The Managers, CSRs, Techs, Sales Pros, and administration members that are to lead by example.

Hopefully, this will help you.

If Your Candidate Won

Show grace today. I’m sure that you are feeling tremendous about the outcome. You are probably very excited. You may even feel like your party has won a literal battle!

You may feel like this battle deserves some type of social media battle cry.

“We won! You lost! SUCK IT!” for example.

Now, that wouldn’t be very gracious. In fact, it would be the start of a huge waste of energy and time. Because, not long after your post, you are greeted with 97 comments of opposition and confirmation. You now get spun up in the game of a social media battle. You waste time, and you make some enemies. It’s just not worth it.

If Your Candidate Lost

I promise you it’s not the end of the world! Every election is a hype machine of doom and gloom. Politicians play way more on our fears than they do our hope. Each side believes the other guy is an enemy to their hero.

But guess what? The next President isn’t going to save you. The Presidents of the past didn’t save you.

You save yourself. You and your people are going to make the next great thing in your life happen.

If policies change or taxes go up or restrictions get tighter; then you will pivot and make it work.

So, it will be ok! And, I give you the same advice that I gave your political opposition…. “Show grace today.”

We Are In This Together

Aren’t you just sick and tired of all the backbiting and fighting between Americans?

I really am.

We are the greatest nation on the planet. We are the greatest nation because our experiment of Democracy and Unity works. Well, most of the time it works. We have also been known to have our moments of intense civil disruption.

Civil disruption is normal for a young nation. It’s a reflection of growing pains and working out the kinks of our system.

Yet, we are not an infant nation any longer. We have matured into young adulthood.

We are a mighty power with the economy and the resources to change the world.

A mighty power demands a mighty leader. And a mighty leader needs wise counsel and the
support of the people.

“United We Stand, Divided We Fall.”

This idea of power in unity is older than the US. In fact, you can find similar references in Matthew, Mark and Luke of the Bible.

So, on this day, I encourage you to take a moment and reflect in silence. Pray. Meditate. Take a walk. Do what you need to do to prepare for the future. Be calm, and lead the people in your influence with Kindness, Power and Hope.

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