


Callbacks are dreaded.  Techs don’t like them, CSRs are embarrassed by them, and managers hate the lost productivity.  Yet, a callback is the most important call you will ever receive. 

A callback represents a second chance to get it right.  It is the clients way of saying,

“Even though I’m disappointed with you, I value our relationship enough to save it.  Do you?”

You see, the client wants her Plumber to save the day.  She wants her HVAC Tech to step up and be the hero.  She wants her Electrician to bring the sparkle back to her smile.

Let me show you how to win on the callback.

The 5 Ways to Win on the Callback

1)  Repair the relationship. 

It’s easy for the plumber to let his ego get in the way of the relationship.  The entire future relationship rests on the tech’s attitude.  In order to win, you have to drop the pride and approach with an open mind and fairness.  If it’s your mistake, admit it.  This may need to be your opening statement.  RELATED:  How to win with an irate woman.

2)  Solve the problem!  

Clients feel slighted during a callback.  They trusted their plumber or hvac tech to do an amazing job.  They paid a premium, invested their time, and they still have a problem.  Your best approach to winning now is to solve the problem!  This may require additional work at no cost to the client.

Do not let a second callback happen on the same job.  Check your work as you go.  Check it again after other tasks.  Check it once more before you leave.  Review the solution with your client to assure 100% satisfaction.

3)  Reassure that training will  take place in the entire organization to prevent this from happening again.

Most callbacks are blamed on faulty parts.  However, less than 1% of components that are shipped will arrive with some type of fault. 

The majority of callbacks are caused by poor performance from the hvac tech or plumber.  The client knows this, even if the tech tries to hide the truth in technical jargon.  I advise you to be clear and straight forward.  Don’t hide from your mistake.

Reassure the client that your plumbers and hvac techs will use this as a training experience.  RELATED:  Training for Techs, Sales, and Managers

4)  Repeatedly ask, “Is there anything else I can do for you?” 

This is an open ended question.  It gives the client an opportunity to provide feedback, and make any additional requests.

5)  Inquire as to other work opportunities.  

This may seem like an odd thing to do on a callback.  Yet, happy clients are buying clients.  Once you have resolved the original issue, the client is often willing and ready to do other work.

Many techs hate callbacks, but many love them!  A callback represents a chance to go from zero to hero.

Today’s blog was inspired by an email from Steve Egner.  Short of a few transitions, and a little bit of exposition, these are Steve’s words and ideas.  Steve is the owner of Steve’s plumbing, my friend and a very insightful manager.  As always Steve, “Thank You!” for allowing me to share these wonderful insights.

Question:  In your opinion, what is the #1 cause of callbacks?  Please comment and share on  and .

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