
Your Client’s Perception

Is It About Perception?

It’s easy to assume we know what the customer expects from service professionals, right? We’re late, dressed in t-shirts with holes in our pants – we don’t wear belts and the evidence shows every time we bend down. Or is that the case? If that image doesn’t appeal to you if the shoe was on the other foot, then your customers don’t want to see that either. You have a few precious seconds before a first impression is set within your customer’s mind about you, and it’s important to make the best possible first impression.

Being Different, But In A Worse Way

Over the past 10 years, almost every customer you will come across has had some experience with a service professional who was using advanced technology for diagnosis, putting on floor savers, showing up in a wrapped truck and notifying them of their arrival via text. If we don’t at least do these things that other companies are doing, we are being different in a WORSE way. Professionalism is a journey that we all go through, and trends change over time as well. Some trends will encourage you to be informal and casual with clients while others might scoff at that and demand the utmost respect be shown. It is important to stand out, but we never want to stand out because of our poor service.

We Have to Fix Problems and Manage Perceptions

Beyond that, we often feel that the customer values us because of our expertise in fixing their issue — they wouldn’t have called us if they didn’t think we could fix the problem. However, it’s expected that every service company that shows up at the door is able to take care of what’s wrong in the home. That doesn’t exactly set you apart from your competitors. The customer’s actual perception of your value comes from everything else you communicate — both spoken and unspoken. If you ever want to exceed their expectations, you have to start by managing their perception. When their perception of your team is a memory of professionalism, friendliness and dedication to the customer experience, that’s what makes them pick up the phone and schedule repeat service with your company.

Service Excellence Can Help

Managing and exceeding client perception is vital in our line of work. From the very first time they call to the last technician to leave your customer’s home, your customer should be well taken care of. Stop thinking of your technical skills and start considering how your speech, actions and reactions can build a positive image of yourself and your company! Are you having trouble figuring out how to do that? Let us help.

Do you want help building a service process that improves your client’s perception? Fill out the contact form and we will be in touch.

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