
What’s The Best Kind of Customer?

No matter what kind of customer you are dealing with on your service call, there will always be certain personalities or behaviors that you relate with most. This doesn’t mean that there is a perfect kind of customer, but you will find that some customers are more helpful, open, engaged or relate to you better than others.

In this episode of Windshield Time, we want to share details about some of our favorite kinds of customers! Plus, we give some tips for handling different customer personalities.

Enjoyable Customer Qualities 


Of course, customers who have just finished baking are really nice to visit. Their baked goods are always appreciated and make the visit a positive experience.


It’s nice to service a unit where customers want to learn, talk and converse about the AC unit while still giving the technician space. While most techs enjoy explaining the process, it can get tedious having someone watch over your shoulder and make comments. It encourages a more relaxed situation when the customer is simply interested in what you are doing to the system. 


Customers that have a common interest with you are more enjoyable to speak to while the service is happening. If you can talk about sports or something you’re both interested in, it makes the time pass quicker and builds a connection of trust.


It’s a great experience to serve veterans because they usually have good conversations and stories. They tend to enjoy the processes of evaluating or repairing the AC, which can be nice to have someone engaged in the process. 


Some techs notice that retired customers tend to give them as much time as they need to complete the service, which is beneficial as opposed to a rushed job. It’s always better to have ample time to make sure the job gets done right.


Any customer who wants techs to be comfortable in their home is always a plus. It makes the technicians feel more welcomed and relaxed.

Customers We Are Less Enthused To Serve


While we hold no personal ill will against scatterbrained customers, they do make the service call a bit more frustrating. Sometimes they can’t make a decision or are unfocused on the topic at hand. Maybe techs have a hard time getting into a groove with the customer. We can still learn to relate with this profile, we just have to put more work into handling this kind of customer. 


Customers who don’t realize that the tech wants to be left alone to make the repair or complete the tune-up can be difficult to handle at times. Some technicians would rather get through that portion of the call on their own, but it can be hard to convey that to the customer who persistently tags along to talk.


Any customer who undervalues the time of the technician can be frustrating to deal with as well. People focused on anything besides what the technician is doing can seem like they don’t value the techs’ time. 

Learn To Adapt With Service Excellence

Whether or not you are serving your favorite kind of customer, you have to be able to communicate effectively. We may have a preference for the type of person that we feel appreciated by or who we can relate to most, but we are the professionals who know how to adapt our service to our customers. If you need some help learning how to handle the different customer personalities, let us help! Give us a call!

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