
What Do Customers NOT Like?

You may have a good idea in your mind about the best way to act and speak when on a service call. You might even be implementing some of the techniques you’ve learned from previous Windshield Times or Service Excellence classes. But no matter how much you think you know, there’s always more to learn. Do you know every single thing that the average customer dislikes about technicians? We bet you don’t!

**Fun Fact

When given a survey about the things they dislike the most about their technicians’ service, 0% of customers reported on technical skills!


While you are free to be independent and have your own style as a person, you work in a customer interactive environment. This means you have to be adaptive. If you want to make the best impression on your customers and start building that essential relationship with them, sometimes you have to cater to their preferences. This includes the accessories you wear:

  • Earrings
  • Face Piercings 


The state of your uniform is highly important to customers. Are you showing up with a stained uniform? Appearance matters! Prepare for your day and for your interaction with customers to get the best chance of having a good experience with them. These are the most disliked clothing items or clothing statuses reported by customers:

  • Ball Caps
  • Loose Pants
  • Torn Clothes

Facial Hair 

There is a stigma that facial hair indicates some kind of untrustworthiness. Is this true? Of course not. But if customers think it, or even subconsciously think it, then your interaction with them is affected. It’s possible that you can do your job so well that your facial hair won’t matter. You have to decide if your appearance is affecting your ability to serve successfully. At the very least, taking care of your facial hair is the best option. 



Similar to facial hair, there is an assumption in many communities that tattoos indicate some kind of undesirable behavior. Again, if your customers are thinking this, you have a problem. Many technicians already cover up their tattoos with clothing choices but consider what you’re doing to adapt to your customers.

Poor Grooming 

 Over 80% of customers responded that technicians looking bedraggled or unkempt is a major dislike. Things like messy hair, dirty hands or other unpleasant physical appearances might be included in this section. Pay attention to how your general grooming comes across to others.

  • Dirty Fingernails — Specifically, 30% of customers revealed that they dislike working with technicians with dirty fingernails.

Tobacco Smell

Most non-smokers notice the smell of tobacco smoke pretty easily. This means that your customers can tell if you smoke, and it’s affecting their perception of you when you arrive to work at their home. Some people even have respiratory problems like asthma that might be triggered by smokey smells. Consider carrying body spray with you and remember that smells can have a major impact on customers.

Perception Takeaways

You may summarize this lesson by thinking that what the customer thinks doesn’t really matter. In many ways, what the customer thinks can make or break you. There may be some things on this list that you can work around by serving perfectly in other areas of your interaction. The main point is to keep in mind that the customer has told you what they want. They want a well-groomed, clean, nice-smelling professional to work on their home. Instead of ignoring this or waiting until the customer has to tell you themselves, get ahead of the game!


If you still have questions on the best way to present yourself on the job, Service Excellence can help you. Our coaches deal with real contractors on a daily basis. We can help you find real success with simple solutions. Contact us today!

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