
The High C Profile

In this episode of Windshield Time, hosts Chris and Chris are here to talk to you about the High C Profile in their series on DiSC Profiles and how personality can impact how a customer sees you and how you can best interact with your customers. C in DiSC stands for Compliant and Compliant personalities have their own unique sets of traits and how they perceive the world and how they want to be perceived. Continue reading to learn more about the High C DiSC profile.

The High C Personality

High C personalities are slow and systematic. Don’t let the compliant in their name fool you; High C profiles are orderly more than truly compliant or easy to sway. High C profiles are detailed and want everything to be just right. They are also very much concerned about accuracy and correctness. If you say that your service visit will take 1 hour, your service visit better be 1 hour to keep the High C profile happy.

What Does the High C Personality Like?

The High C profile is not one that enjoys exaggeration or hyperbole. They much prefer to be spoken to plainly and accurately. One of the main concerns of High C personalities is that they will be embarrassed or be caught off guard due to inaccurate information. With that fear in mind, when speaking to a High C customer, be deliberate with your words, speak clearly and correctly, and leave them plenty of time to do their own research.

How Does the High C Personality Make Choices?

The High C profile makes their choices with facts and data rather than caring about brand names and prestige. High C customers will want the best unit or item based on stats, hard facts, and detailed specifications that the average customer may not care about as much. High C profiles will also want plenty of time to research the best possible unit for them, so don’t worry too much if they aren’t scheduling their repair appointment immediately after receiving their quote.

What Happens When a High C Is Unhappy

When a High C profile is unhappy or displeased, they will likely become withdrawn and avoidant which will be more than apparent from their usual hovering and asking questions during each part of the service visit. High C personalities do not require an amiable and friendly relationship with you as a technician to make choices so while they may appreciate small talk, it is not necessary to become their friends in order to seal the deal.

Learn About DiSC Profiles and More at PRESS PLAY

The High C profile is one of the most interesting of the DiSC profiles: equal parts precise and yet very concerned about being wrong or being given false information. Learning to master how to work with each of the profiles is a needed skill to help you support and handle all kinds of customers and all kinds of customer expectations. If you’d like to learn more about DiSC profiles and other helpful skills to help you maximize your service calls and visits, we encourage you to come to our PRESS PLAY course for techs this April!

We’ll see you in the next episode of Windshield Time!

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