
Multiple Bid Objections Revisited

It’s happened to all of us: the homeowner seems ready to close, and we’re giving them expert advice on the best choice. Then, out of the blue, they request three bids to see if they can get a better price on a home service repair or installation.

These objections can sometimes be the most awkward objections to deal with, but we treat it just like every other objection. As always, if we do get an objection, the best way to handle it is with LEAP. On these episodes of Windshield Time, hosts Chris and Chris talk about how to minimize or eliminate the power of the second opinion objection, ways to prepare for the question before it has even been asked and how to use LEAP if it does come up.

Understanding Multiple Bid Objectionshvac training

In order to beat Multiple Bid Objections, you must understand where these objections are coming from. Oftentimes, these are price objections where the customer is trying to verify that you’re asking a fair price for your services. Why else would someone want to spend all that extra time going through the consultation process three different times?

Ask Leading Questionshvac services

While talking with your customers, it’s smart to always be thinking one step ahead. Ask leading questions throughout the process to help prepare you with information that can combat an objection they might have.

Some great questions to ask are:

  • How long have you lived here, and how long do you plan to stay?
  • How quickly would you like this project completed?
  • Are you looking for a band-aid fix or a permanent solution?

Depending on your customers answers to these questions, you can help to nudge the customer away from receiving multiple bids by your response. If they want the job done by tomorrow and also want to get three bids first, you should challenge the objection because fitting in three bids in one day would be impossible. This is the time where you can emphasize that if they really value getting the job done efficiently, correctly and on a timeline, then going with your company is the best answer.

How to Handle Multiple Bid Objections

hvac services

The multiple bids objection is best handled by doing a great job on PRESS. If you’ve done that, the next step is to use the LEAP method. Here’s one way to handle the multiple bids objection using LEAP:

L – Listen

Listening involves paying to attention to what the customer is saying, but also to their tone and their body language. This will let you know if there is something behind what they said.

E – Empathize

It’s about showing the customer that you understand their perspective and explaining how or why you see their side. However, don’t just collapse and agree with whatever the customer is saying. Instead, try this:

“Maggie, I understand you want to compare us to other companies just to make sure you’re getting the best service and the most value.”

A – Ask Questions

Next, ask a question that helps you determine if “multiple bids” is a smokescreen or the true condition. A smokescreen is something the customer says to hide the true condition. The true condition is what must be met or satisfied in order for the customer to proceed.

“Maggie, other than price what would you be using to compare us to these other companies?”

P – Problem Solve

Once you’ve discovered the true condition, only then can you start to problem solve. If you discover that this is a smokescreen, then you use LEAP again to handle the next objection. For multiple bids, the problem solve may be to set a strong follow-up appointment. It could also mean that you have to review warranties and guarantees.

This is just one possible sequence of LEAP when handling the multiple bids objection. remember that the best way to handle any objection is by doing a great job at PRESS.

A Few Pro Tips

  • Think investment: Transforming your team members into Results Producing Superstars takes time and money. Don’t look at training your people like an expense. Look at it like an investment that will make you more money! It’s worth it to invest in your people.
  • Take the steps in order: Stop trying to wing it in your service approach. You have a road-map to success. It’s called PRESS PLAY. Taking one step at a time will get you to the right destination. Trust the process.
  • Celebrate your accomplishments: Enjoy the momentum. Celebrate the increase in profits and happiness. Don’t apologize for winning.

You’ve got this. It doesn’t matter where you’ve come from—it matters where you’re going.

Learn About PRESS PLAY and LEAP

If you’d like to learn more about the PRESS PLAY Process and other helpful skills to help you navigate customer objections and increase your sales volume, we encourage you to come to our PRESS PLAY course for techs!

Windshield Time

For a deeper dive into learning about how to handle multiple bid objections, check out some of our past episodes of Windshield Time:



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