I love Halloween. It may just be my favorite Holiday. Now, I have gotten plenty of flack for saying that in the past.
You love Halloween more than Christmas?!
Yeah, I think I do.
You love Halloween more than July 4th?!
Yeah, I do.
So, I really love Halloween. Those other Holidays are great, but they are not Halloween.
I have some very good reasons why Halloween is my favorite Holiday, read on to discover why.
Here are the Top 5 Reasons Why Halloween is My Favorite Holiday
- It marks the Fall. Sure, Fall may technically start in September, but for me it starts with Halloween. And Fall is my favorite season.
- I love candy. Well, I once loved candy. I can take it or leave it now. But Halloween candy as a kid was the absolute best!
- It is fun to be scared. I love the thrill of being on the edge of my seat. What will happen next? Whether it is a scary movie, or a great Haunted House, Halloween is a non-stop thrill ride. Even as a small child I felt the same. Do you remember the classic Disney cartoon “Dance of the Skeletons?”
- It’s cool to pretend. Now, this is where the unity of Halloween begins. It is the one time of the year where everyone can pretend and dress-up as their favorite character. I have seen the toughest cop dress up like his kid’s favorite stuffed animal on Halloween. That is classic!
- People get out and meet their neighbors. There are a lot of initiatives that attempt to do this, but none are as successful as Halloween. I guarantee you that this is the 1 night of the year where you will greet your neighbors face-to-face and give them a gift. Not Christmas, not Easter, only on Halloween. That is super cool!!!