
Why did the client lose interest? – submitted question

Why did the client lose interest?

Have you ever had a client that seemed highly interested, until the price came out?   That happened recently to reader and HVAC Technician Fred Myers.

He submitted the following question:

I love your posts. I read them and share them with my fellow friends that are in the business. But I sometimes run into this situation..

Today I was replacing a heat strip on a system that was under warranty (parts and labor for 10 years). The system is 3 years old.

I noticed that the client’s blower motor had been replaced.

To make a long story short, I did a duct load and . . I show him that his current duct system is too small.  He asked, and I gave him a solution of replacing and redesigning him a new duct system.

He was on board until the price…. He gives me the ole “I am going to be selling the home soon, but if I don’t I’ll call you.”

Do you treat this like a smokescreen??

Also, he asked, “Why hasn’t anyone else done this, and why wasn’t it caught before the system was installed?” And I gave him some good answers, but could not close it today.. It still might close but…

Thanks Todd,

Fred Myers

Thanks for the great question Fred.  To help you, I’m going to tackle the following components of your question:

      1. Is it a smokescreen?
      2. Why did he say, “Why hasn’t anyone else done this, and why wasn’t it caught before the system was installed?”
      3. What can you do next time to close the sale?

Is it a smokescreen?

Yeah.  I could do a whole lot of explaining here, but it’s a smokescreen.  How do I know?  Because of what he said to you:  “I am going to be selling the home soon, but if I don’t I’ll call you.”

Those type of statements come up at the end of a sales call, and they typically come from a High Stable personality.  It’s a nice way of getting you out the door.  DISCOVER MORE HERE – 4 keys to winning with the “I need to talk to my spouse” sales objection.

Why did he say, “Why hasn’t anyone else done this, and why wasn’t it caught before the system was installed?”

First of all, I’m not sure if your company installed the system, or if it was another company.  If it was your company, then don’t assume that the duct system wasn’t brought to his attention.  It probably was, and he probably ignored the advice at the time.  It may have been that the salesperson didn’t do his job to the fullest.  I don’t know.  If it was your company, then look into it, but don’t stop trying to resolve his challenges.

However, what if it wasn’t your HVAC company that installed the system, and it was another business that missed the detail?

In that case, the client was using a classic, and pointless, defense mechanism.

It goes like this:

What?!  There is a duct problem?  You guys have been here before.  Why haven’t you brought it up?  You should now feel guilty and ashamed.  Do you feel guilty and ashamed?  Good!  That makes me stronger than you.

And another thing, why wasn’t this done properly on the install?  I know you didn’t do it, but I want you to bear the guilt of your entire profession.  Are you feeling more uncomfortable, guilty and ashamed?

Great!  Then I win.  Actually, I lose, but let’s not talk about that.  Get out of my house and let me stick my head in the sand!”

Do you understand why he did that now?  He used guilt and unjustified anger as a tool against you.  You should all read the following – How to Overcome the Guilt and Shame of Selling.

What can you do next time?

One of my old mentors used to ask me the following question, “What does that have to do with the price of eggs?”  He would ask me this after I would give some lame and disconnected excuse for why I didn’t do something.

At the time, I thought he was crazy!  What in the hell did that mean?  “Price of eggs?”

Well, I understand what it means today.

When a client gives you an objection that is disconnected, you need to bring them into focus by clarifying the actual need.

Here is how I see the situation:

      1. The client needs a new duct system.  You proved that in your diagnostic.
      2. The fact that the system is under parts warranty does not include the duct system.
      3. Yes, the motor may get replaced under some limited warranty, but the problem hasn’t gone away.
      4. The client most likely had a new construction contractor install the system at the time of the home being built.  (I am assuming this off of my limited knowledge of the call.)  Well, he will not get them to fix it for free.
      5. At the end of the day, he has a problem.  It isn’t going away.
      6. You have a solution.

Bottom line Fred is that you need to develop the skills to professionally navigate through these types of objections and smokescreens.  You are taking some great steps by submitting your question – Bravo!

Now, do the following:

Practice the techniques in the last five post on objection handling.

      1. Overcoming the “I can’t afford that!” sales objection

      2. 4 keys to winning with the “I need to talk to my spouse” sales objection

      3. How to eliminate the “You’re too expensive” sales objection

      4. Using the “I need to get 3 bids” objection to your advantage

      5. Is it a lie?  The “I want to think about it” sales objection

Come see us in class so that you can boost those sales skills. – CLICK HERE TO PICK A CLASS.

Thanks, and keep at it!

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