
What is the Power of PACT 12?

Okay, you have seen or heard of PACT 12 by now.

Already some of you have formed your own opinion about PACT 12 and Service Excellence Training.  Many of you know our team to be one of the best in the business.

Others, who do not know us as well, have expressed some interesting opinions.  Here are a few:

“Well, I hear that you only work with the small contractors… guys who don’t really know what they are doing.”

“I thought you guys just offered training for techs.  You have something for owners?”

“Since you only offer training in Austin, this isn’t for me.  I can’t afford to send my whole team to Austin, TX for training.”

For those who are familiar with Service Excellence Training, these opinions sound way off base because they are.  However, I have realized there are still quite a few contractors who do not know as much about Service Excellence Training as they should, and I consider it part of my job to better educate our potential customers.  Isn’t this what you expect your techs to do as well?

So what is TRUE about PACT 12 and Service Excellence Training.

FACTS from the PACT 12:

  • Mike’s HVAC – 1st time to have a $100k month
  • Robinson Air – 1st time to have a $300k month = $812,398 ahead of 2017 YTD
  • Snappy Home Services – 1st time to have a $1 million quarter = $834,371 ahead of 2017 YTD
  • Precision Heating and Cooling – more than doubled net profit over previous July, and grew revenues to 150% of July 2017


  • CCL Mechanical, Infinity Texas Air, Precision Heating & Air, Snappy Home Services, Mike’s HVAC, and Robinson Airall had the highest single month of revenue in the history of their business!


By the way… these are all different companies.  These facts represent different contractors in the PACT 12.

This may sound too good to be true, but it is completely REAL and TRUE. There is very real power in the PACT.

The power is in the PRINCIPLE of COLLABORATION.

The research clearly shows that it pays to be generous. In reality, it isn’t merely the selfish that are punished, but also the stingy.

Principles of collaboration. Here is how the Principles of Collaboration work:

  • Participation – You want to encourage participation from across your organization. As we’ve seen from the experiment, this could involve removing or at least educating, people that don’t act collaboratively.
  • Collective – As collaboration occurs you will need to help the group reach a consensus, and then take action collectively on the decisions they make.
  • Transparency – Feedback and trust are essential elements of collaboration. Being transparent with information is crucial if that is to be achieved. Make sure all discussions take place in the open, and the entire group has access to the latest information.
  • Independence – You will need to ensure that group-think does not emerge and that people are thinking for themselves.
  • Persistence – You must be persistent in your application of these principles. This will ensure that all content is kept within the community, and is easily accessible to all members.
  • Emergence – Remember that the point of mass collaboration is to achieve great results. Make sure you focus on the end goal rather than worrying about how that is achieved. You will need your collaborative community to set their own goals and objectives.

(Gaskell, 2012)

PACT 12 is a collaborative group of twelve contractors.  We make a pact to work together, to support one another, and even to protect each other if we see someone making a grave error. The goal is for everyone to assist each other so we all benefit from new ideas, better tools, and improve our businesses results through collaboration.

PACT 12 follows an annual plan that is built on an agenda of more than 50 discussion topics, idea sharing, and problem-solving sessions. Every owner shares and every owner takes away, what he or she needs from the group.  It is a collaborative process designed to benefit every member of the PACT.  It is SUPER POWERFUL.

PACT 12 is for owners who possess the following traits:

  • Passion
  • Action & Accountability
  • Commitment
  • Tenacity & Teamwork

Are you experiencing similar results as the examples above?

  • If you are, you probably need to join PACT 12 to help others and keep your good mojo flowing.
  • If you are not, you may be interested in PACT 12 to get in on some of the positive energy, and awesome idea sharing, that happens every week.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  Our members work hard.  You and your team are fully responsible for attaining amazing results.

However, our members will be quick to point out that PACT 12 provides energy, focus, and motivation.  The PACT will help you be accountable and take action NOW.

If you think you have what it takes… FILL OUT THE FORM, or GIVE ME A CALL AND LET’S TALK.


I coach contractors with business revenues of over $7 million, over $4 million, several over $3 million, and one whose goal is to break the $1 million mark this year.

Service Excellence Training offers 5 training programs in Central Texas.  We hold them 6 times per year.

  • Tech Series
  • Sales Series
  • Manager Series
  • CSR Series
  • Owner Series

Finally, most of our coaching occurs weekly in your training room.  We provide an hour of “LIVE TRAINING” via video conferencing with:

  • training guides
  • role-playing
  • games
  • laughter
  • and accountability

I have clients in California, Canada, Wisconsin, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Georgia, Oklahoma, and in the great state of Texas.

All clients receive “LIVE TRAINING” every week.

Does it work?  Take a look below. The numbers don’t lie.

SERVICE EXCELLENCE CLIENTS – actual revenue ahead of 2017 YTD

  • Dial 1 Plumbing & HVAC YTD – $443,487 ahead of 2017 (up 55%) with 18% Net Profit
  • Snappy (Plumbing, Air, & Electric) YTD – $333,915 ahead of 2017 (up 37%)
  • Burnside HVAC YTD – $421,3778 ahead of 2017 (up 17.7%)
  • Norman HVAC YTD – $831,909 ahead of 2017 (up 63%)
  • Robinson HVAC YTD – $812,398 ahead of 2017 (up 102%)
  • Jennings HVAC & Electric – $632,435 ahead of 2017 (up 21%)
  • A-1 Guaranteed HVAC YTD – $1,053,804 ahead of 2017 – (up 35%)

*These are real results for the clients listed above.

*100% of clients are above revenues over 2017 YTD

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Grow your business with Service Excellence

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