
(VIDEO) The 4 in 1 Goal Setting Method

Today’s video blog is all about goal setting. I think this is an exceptionally good video on goal setting. It’s one that will be impactful for you, your family, and your team members.

In this 10 minute video, I’m going to teach you the “DRBL” method to goal setting. (The method is pronounced “dribble,” just in case you were curious.)

The DRBL Method

What’s interesting about this method is that all four points build off each other. Here is an overview of the method:

#1: Delusional: Setting a goal that is impossible.

#2: Risky: Setting a goal that will be very challenging, but very motivating. 

#3 Budget: Setting a goal that you know you can build your budget around.

#4 Low: Setting a goal that is demotivating.

Clearly, in this method, you don’t want to set a goal that’s delusional or that’s too low. The value of this approach is that you create boundaries. Boundaries are important. This will allow you and your people to set goals in the middle. This is where progress is made

This is a great video to start the new year off with your team. After you share it shoot me an email with some feedback.

PS: Enjoy this video, and be sure to check in every Saturday at 9 am on Facebook to watch the next video live. You can like our Facebook page here >> SET Facebook Page

Question: What’s one Big Goal you’re excited for next year?  Share your answer on Social Media or send us an Email. 

Would you like help achieving your goals? We can help you reach your Professional Goals. Just complete the form below, and we will get in contact with you.

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