There is a sales killer on the loose. He is lurking at every job and every proposal you go on.
He is waiting for you to skip a value builder and then he will pounce and kill your sale. This week, Chris & Chris talk about the sales killer, and how you can always be sure to sell on value.
There is a huge difference between selling on value and selling on price. You will face competitors every day in all seasons that are cheaper. You’re probably not the cheapest. In fact, you are probably near the top of the price range. You must resist the urge to sell on price in these situations.
- If value exceeds price, it just makes sense for the customer to buy from you.
- If you think the customer is all about price, you’re probably right. You’re probably right because you made it about price by not building enough value.
- Sometimes, you get in a slump and think the customer only cares about price. Almost everyone we find that is in a slump, or has a low average ticket, is skipping steps in building value.
- The 9 principles of PRESS PLAY are designed to build value. If you skip any principles, you won’t build enough value.
- Everyone has a different concept of value. Everyone values different aspects of what you do. You must do all the steps in building value to appeal to everyone.
- A very important part of building value is setting expectations and qualifying UP FRONT.
- Don’t let something you didn’t qualify up front attack and kill your sale at the end.
- Know your qualifying points and the questions that you should ask up front.
- Qualify on time, advisors or decision-makers, time frame of decisions, budget, other bids, and identify profile. (D, I, S, or C)
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