
PRESS PLAY – Prescriptions

This week on the show, Chris and Chris talk about the second P in PRESS PLAY, Prescriptions. Presenting your findings and offering the right solutions is critical. Here are the critical points about Prescriptions discussed on this week’s podcast. 

You must acknowledge that your customer is in a forced buy

You are not forcing them to buy from you or your company, but they are forced to buy from someone. They can’t do it themselves. This causes a lot of negative emotions – fear, anger, frustration, and anxiety. We have to be ready to deal with these emotions and present in a way to help minimize them.  

 Have four options

  • Having only one options is a “yes” or “no” question. The only “safe” answer is no.  
  • If you have two options, another set of conditioning takes over. The customer thinks they can’t buy the cheapest because it won’t last. They think they can’t buy the most expensive because there’s more than they really need. 
  • Giving three options just brings in both of the issues you have with one or two options. They can’t buy the cheapest or most expensive. That leaves only one, which is a “yes” or ”no” question. 
  • The best solution is four options. They can’t buy the cheapest or most expensive. The two that are left leaves a real choice between two. 

Have a good basis for your options

Your options, solutions, or recommendations should come from your diagnostic checklist, your conversation with the customer, and your observations about the customer. The options will make more sense if they are based on these things.  

 Use the checklist to make the case

Use pictures, videos, and physical evidence to make the case for your options. Spend most of your time on the checklist when presenting. Do not have any pricing visible as you explain your findings. Only after you’ve made the case and explained everything should you reveal pricing and ask the customer to buy. 

We will talk more about presenting and overcoming objections on subsequent episodes of the podcast. 

Keep turning learning into earning!! 

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