
PRESS Before You Can PLAY – Evaluate with Questions

This week on the show, Chris & Chris continue the series PRESS Before You Can PLAY with the E – Evaluate with Questions. Asking the right questions upfront is one of the best tools you have for finding the customer’s value points. It’s also one of the most overlooked. You should take plenty of time to talk to the customer and ask great questions. These questions should help you discover the value points, establish priority, and help you build a great presentation Here’s the questions you need to ask during the Evaluate with Questions step of PRESS PLAY:


The “What’s going on?” Question – This question makes the customer give you information that isn’t prescribed or known. The customer must think about it and choose the relevant information. They will do this in the way they prefer to communicate. This will indicate their profile.


The “Ages” Questions – These questions are about age and time. You should ask the customer the age of their home and the age of the system/device/ thing you are working on. This will help bring it into your conversation and allow you to refer back later. Also, the customer may not realize the age of their home. Ask how long they’ve been in the home and how long they plan to stay. This will give you an idea of priority, as most people won’t spend a lot of money on a home they won’t be in much longer.


The Maintenance Question – If the customer does not have a maintenance membership with your company, ask “What was the date of your last maintenance and safety inspection on your system?” This will cause the customer to try to remember a date if they’ve had anything done to the system/device. Along with the age of the home and system/device, this will cause them to realize that it may have been quite a while since they’ve had anything done. This will set the stage when you come back with items that need to be done.


The “Anything Else” Question – Ask this question to get the customer thinking about issues they have that they don’t know you can fix. These could be noises, odors, flickering lights, hot or cold spots, slow drains, etc. An example of electrical might be, “Have you noticed anything else with your electrical system lick flickering lights, mystery switches, plugs that fall out of outlets?”. These kinds of questions will make the customer notice these things that they’ve always just lived with before now.


Asking great questions is a skill that needs to be practiced. Use the questions listed above and those we share on the podcast so you can ask great questions. The Evaluation step of PRESS PLAY is critical to building value with the customer. Make sure to spend the time to do it.

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