
You Gotta Have a Strong FU (Follow Up) Game

This week on the podcast, Chris and the Assistant to the Host, Chris Loudermilk discuss the FU – Follow Up game. You must have a great FU game to be great at converting opportunities. We all know that some opportunities don’t get done in one visit. Following up is crucial and you must have a great FU game plan. Here’s four things to help you develop a great FU game plan.

Don’t Be Afraid

Fear keeps salespeople and technicians from maximizing opportunities. Specifically, the fear of hearing ‘no’. You don’t need to fear ‘no’! You already have a ‘no’ in your pocket! If they haven’t given you a ‘yes’, assume it’s a no. You won’t scare them off. Most people are used to the back and forth of sales. The customer expects you to follow up. If you don’t, they may think you don’t really want their business.

Make an Agreement for a Clear Future

One of the worst things about sales is leaving without an answer. Be sure to set a plan to get an answer. This gives you a clear future. Set a date and time. Take out your phone, tablet, or planner and make it “official” by putting it in your calendar. Get the best number or contact format to communicate to the customer for an answer. Use your follow up to bridge the gap between now and then.

Be Consulting and Informative

Don’t ask them to buy every time you contact them for a follow-up. Be sure that your follow up is adding to your value by providing additional information, new information, or a special offer. Don’t pressure the customer at every contact.

Be Consistent

Develop your process for follow up. This creates consistency. Make it easy for you by creating template texts or emails. Also, schedule emails so you can set up follow up.

Being great at FU – Follow Up is crucial to your success. Develop your own plan using these points so you can have a strong FU game!

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