
How to Win at the New Year’s Resolution Game

This week on the podcast, Todd Liles joins Chris Elmore to discuss New Year’s Resolutions.

The word resolution is defined as “a firm decision to do or not to do something.” All of us have made those firm decisions to do something or not do something, especially at the beginning of a new year. But do we stick to those resolutions? Today, the guys discuss the reasons why we don’t stick with them and the differences between resolutions and goals.

Why Resolutions Fail

Most resolutions are made in response to emotions like fear or anger and can be very shortsighted. Other resolutions are made to do things before we “kick the bucket,” also known as the “bucket list.” But these resolutions rarely stick. The emotion that fueled the resolution fades or changes, and so does our “firm decision to do something or not do something.”

Bucket list items aren’t really a firm decision to do something or not do something. They’re more opportunistic. We’ll do those if the opportunity just comes up.

Resolutions vs. Goals

The difference between an emotional or bucket list resolution and a goal is that a goal is fueled more by a desire for results. A goal is usually based on incremental achievements through actual work. Todd relates his goals in weightlifting to reach his desired level. He explains how he tracked his progress and ultimately fell short of his goal. But through tracking, he was able to see the improvement his hard work brought about. He kept going and did hit his goal a little later than he wanted. The work he put in and the tracking he did kept him on track.

Usually with a resolution, we fail to put in the work or track the improvement. This leads to the emotion fading or changing or keeping it on our ever-growing bucket list.

This year, set goals instead of resolutions. Plan the work and your expected results, then track your progress. Doing these things will help you actually get to your goal.

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