
Don’t Be a “Mall Cop” Tech

Today on the podcast Chris and Chris talk about the presentation you should be making to your customers on every call. Most techs will report back to the customer with all of the issues they found. It usually involves the tech listing out the issues and then asking the customer what he or she thinks. But the customer doesn’t know. They’re not the expert. You are the expert and an expert makes a purposeful, customized presentation with the best recommendation. 

Here’s how to develop your presentation for each customer:  

Gather all the Information

  • Ask the right discovery questions about the issue, the ages of things, maintenance history, and anything else they’ve noticed. 
  • Complete a thorough diagnostic using your diagnostic and safety inspection checklist. 

Plan and Organize your Presentation

  • Prioritize based on the information you gathered from the customer about the issue, the ages of things, maintenance history, and anything else they’ve noticed. 
  • Decide how you will present based on profile. 

Recommend a Solution

  • Be the expert and recommend the best solution. Don’t make the customer choose. 
  • Fight for your recommendation by handling recommendations and clearly explaining what happens if the customer chooses an alternative solution. 

A good presentation always leaves the customer with a clear understanding of the whole picture, a realization that they have to do something, and a clear complete solution. If your presentations aren’t doing that, you need to implement these points. If you don’t, you’ll keep leaving opportunities on the table. 

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