How do you get the new guy to show up?
Check out our tips to see what to do before and after the hire.
The next P.R.E.S.S. P.L.A.Y. Training Seminar will be in Austin, TX. Tech Series, taught by Terry Barrett and our Sales Series, taught by Matt Stewart and Todd Liles.
Pearl of Wisdom
“Every rose has it’s thorn. Just like every night has it’s dawn. Just like every cowboy sings a sad sad song. Every rose has it’s thorn. Yeah it does.” – Poison
Tech Tip of the Week
Create a MasterMind Group. Benjamin Franklin called his the Junto Group. PBS Website with list of Questions.
- Have you lately heard any member’s character attacked, and how have you defended it?
- Hath any man injured you, from whom it is in the power of the Junto to procure redress?
- In what manner can the Junto, or any of them, assist you in any of your honorable designs?
- Is there any difficulty in matters of opinion, of justice, and injustice, which you would gladly have discussed at this time?
MasterMind Growth Group – Next launch date is March 6-7th, 2014
Know “WHY” the New Team Member Wants to be on the Team.
- You may be surprised as to the real motives of the person in the interview.
- They may not be looking at your company as the awesome place to work that it is.
- It may just be a job. Discover that in the interview.
History is a Great Indicator of the Future.
- Check work history.
- Make calls to references.
- Ask questions about attendance, attitude, would you rehire this person?
Don’t be Desperate.
- Desperation puts you at a great disadvantage!
- You must maintain authority.
Document Expectations.
- Use tools that demonstrate the expectation.
- Clearly defined expectations are key to a healthy and successful relationship. Check out the KRA Form
Multiple Interviews.
- Be sure to include the wife in the process.
- Remember the saying: “Slow to hire, Fast to Fire”
Place on Calendar.
- Make sure you see the new recruit place the date on the calendar in front of you.
Submit Notice Immediately.
- Cold feet will kill opportunities.
- Don’t let your new recruit procrastinate himself out of a position.
Stay in Touch.
- Call the new hire the next day and let him know the progress of his being on the team. (IE preparing his truck, etc)
- Do not let more than 5 days go by without contact.
- Always speak to the new recruit the working day prior to arrival.
- Don’t be surprised!
The Radio Show Notes are taken from “The P.R.E.S.S. P.L.A.Y. Training Series Program”
The P.R.E.S.S. P.L.A.Y. Training Series –
To Register call 512-333-4133 and Stacy will help you. You can learn more by clicking class links below:
- The Tech Series
- The Sales Series
Questions, Comments, or Suggestions:
If you have a something to say, then leave it in the comment section below.
Also, feel free to give us some suggestions on what you would like to hear on future episodes.