

Top 10 Posts of 2016

Like most of my readers, I take the time to review the things that worked.  Part of that review is to determine the Top 10 Post of 2016, and share the results with you.

I’m often asked why I write so much content for free.  The type of content that we produce and give to you for free is valuable.  The answer is easy for me.  I want to help contractors be the best version of themselves they can be.

I believe that if I help you, then you will help SET grow as well.  It’s a reciprocation effect.  If I give you what you need today to make a sell, then you will invest in our training programs in the future.  That’s what I mean when I say turn learning into earning.

And we have given you some really amazing tools, for free, to help you make more money.  The most popular has been the Obliterate Objections from Your Workweek.  You can still get it free here.


I use google traffic as the measurement to determine the Top 10 Content of 2016.  This measurement doesn’t determine every factor, such as social shares and ROI, but it is a good indicator of popularity.  I will also share with you why I think the content is so popular and why it is working.

Top-10 Blog Posts

1. Killing the Service Tech. Being a tech shouldn’t be a life or death choice. A tech should have the benefit of doing his job, and living a healthy lifestyle.   However, this industry has proven to be tough on life in all areas.  This is the reason this post has been so popular.   In my most-read post from 2016 I review the way this industry is killing service techs, and several ways to restore life. I bet one of these will ring a bell with you.

2. The True Cost of Running an HVAC Business. As a tradesperson, do you know the costs associated with running a successful HVAC Service Company?  If you are like most tradespeople, there are a few missing gaps in your business knowledge.  This post creates clarity on the major aspects and costs of running a service company.

3. 4 Keys to Winning the “I need to talk to my spouse” Sales Objection. I consult my wife on all major decisions.  Chances are good that you do as well.  Yet, this is one of the stopping points for many salespeople.  It doesn’t have to be.  This post highlights the techniques that will help you win when you hear “I need to talk to my spouse.”

4. 6 Power Tools Every Tech Should Own. The tech with the best tools wins!  Yet, these 6 power tools may surprise you.  These are the 6 tools that the best techs in the field are using to increase sales results.

5. PRESS PLAY Training Page. Or live class events are called PRESS PLAY Training Events.  I was pleased to see that or Training Page was the 5th most visited page on our website.  Our training works, and tradespeople are excited to attend and learn about the programs.  We have proven that turning learning into earning does not have to be complicated.

6. 8 Warning Signs a Tech is About to Quit. Most people quit their jobs. It may be this year. It may be next. It may be ten years from now. It’s only a matter of time. But when a person quits, it shouldn’t be a surprise.  This post unpacks the times when a person is most likely to quit a job.

7. 3 Reasons Why You Should Do Side Jobs. This post is a satirical post written to highlight the negatives of doing side jobs.  It still gets lots of attention from readers.  And, it still gets folks fired up on both sides of the argument.

8. Carrier Continues Trend of Closing US Manufacturing Plants. This posts saw action twice this year.  The first time was back in the Spring when Carrier announced that it would close it’s Indianapolis plant.  The second time was when Donald Trump cut the deal to keep the Carrier plant stateside.  The breakdown in this article will hold true for business for hundreds of years.

9. The Value of Live Facebook Videos. Facebook introduced it’s Live Video platform this year to great success.  This post was a 30 minute “How To” post to show you how to leverage the new media in your business.  It was guest hosted with Joe Person.  Joe is our inside salesman, and the sales manager of Air Now in Millbrook, AL.

10. Overcoming the “I can’t afford it” Sales Objection. Sales skills is always at the heart of what we do at Service Excellence Training.  This post gets tons of organic traffic from sales professionals all over the internet.  It addresses how to handle this everyday sales objection.


5 Key Takeaways

Based on 2016 most popular post, here are five takeaways about what’s working and why. Please let me know what you think about this by commenting on facebook.

  • Pain generates interest. The Killing the Service Tech blog is by far the most popular thing we have ever written.  This post alone has more than twice the traffic as our homepage.  Why?  Because techs are sick and tired of how the residential world treats them.  This post needs to serve as a strong warning to all that would employ a service person into their business.
  • Demystifying business is important.  Many business owners launched their business after being a tech.  This means they understand the work, and not the business side of business.  Providing our readers with the tools to understand their business has proven very popular.
  • People want skills that make them money. This makes perfect sense, we are after all a Sales Company.  The most popular content we produce is directly related to making your more money on the top-line.   We will continue to produce high value sales content for you in 2017.
  • Lists fill the list. List posts comprise 4 of the 10 posts on the Top 10. People like lists.  A list creates a clear finish line, and people like that.
  • Archives are a traffic goldmine. This blew me away >> 8 of the Top 10 were not from 2016 <<  The archives are gold.  Google has cataloged our most popular content and delivers it to the contractors that need it.

2016 was a wild year!  It was filled with lots of ups and downs. This business has grown, and we have helped thousands of contractors and tradespeople turn learning into earning.  I can’t wait to discover what we can accomplish in 2017.

Question: What was your favorite blog post or podcast from 2016?

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