
This is the CSR you are Looking for

As the director of CSR training, I get super excited when one of my students share their success with me! I was recently scrolling on Facebook when I noticed a post from a former student saying how she sold 12 club memberships in just 2 days, all of them over the phone and 32 in one month. I had to share her story with all of you.

I first met Rachel on a Facebook live video, check it out here

During the live video, Rachel asked several questions, and I provided her with some ideas to help her overcome the challenges she was facing. At first, she didn’t buy in. She did not think the tips I gave her would work.

I find your lack of faith disturbing”


However, she decided to give it a try. Even to just prove it wrong. She implemented the tips on handling a price shopper that afternoon. Rachel closed 9 out of 10 new clients that afternoon. The very next day, her boss Carrie signed her up for the CSR Class in Austin.

Rachel attended PRESS PLAY for CSRs in January 2018. When Rachel came to class I realized very quickly she is not like most CSRs. First of all, she has a lot of tattoos! So, she and I bonded very quickly over our artwork. The other really unique thing about Rachel is she is a cosplay queen. Her love of all things Star Wars has led her to be a featured model in several cosplay events.

Rachel has dressed up as some of the most iconic Star Wars Characters, including: Princess Leia, Padme, R2D2, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, a stormtrooper and many more. Here are a few of her photos below: Photo Credit Bob Hubbard/ Queen City Pinups

I believe if you have the courage to do cosplay, then you should have no problem closing calls! Yet, Rachel was struggling with her call close ratio.

“Fear is the path to the dark side.

When Rachel came to class, she had a 60% call closing rate. After two and a half days in class, she returned to her company in New York ready to charge forward and close more calls. She started implementing what she learned right away.

Rachel now has a 90% call closing rate!

30% is a huge increase in call closing. This increase will mean an additional $240,000 or more for Emerald Heating and Cooling. This will also mean more money for Rachel and more opportunities.

To Closing Ratios, and Beyond!

Rachel found a new cosplay set she just HAD to HAVE! She made a personal goal to sell 15 club memberships. She calculated that the commission from 15 clubs would allow her to make enough extra money to get the costume.

Do. Or Do not. There is no try.”

She wrote down her goal, she shared her goal, made a timeline, and went to work. What she found was, she was able to sell these clubs easily since she knew how to build value in the service. She blew away her goal


and ended up with 32 new club memberships in just 1 month. She sold 12 of them in just 2 days.

Rachel had to overcome her fears of offering a club membership over the phone. She had to trust in the skills she has been honing and developing throughout her career in customer service. But most importantly, Rachel had to believe in herself and the value her company provides.

The force is strong with this one.”

 Rachel is a very talented CSR, a creative artist, and above all a wonderful person. She starts every day with a positive attitude, and the passion to grow. I am so thankful to have her as a student and a friend. Her joy and passion for excellence are very endearing. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for this incredibly talented lady.

And of course, we cannot wait until she debuts the new cosplay costume she picked up with her commission! She is evidence that SET turns learning into earning.

Get Results Like Rachel

If you want to learn more about how your CSRs can increase their call closing rate, while increasing client satisfaction, check out these FREE Training videos.


Plus, you will find out how you can get the exact scripts CSRs like Rachel are using to close more calls.



Let's put these Tips to good use

Grow your business with Service Excellence

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