
The Service Contractor’s Dread of Hiring and Firing Employees

If there is one universal task I know plumbing (air conditioning and electrical) service contractors dread, it is hiring and firing employees.

Because of this, most companies hold on to the wrong employees too long.

It is estimated that hiring the wrong person can cost you $11,713 (From the DOL)

This of course doesn’t cover the cost of recruiting new employees, the many frustrating hours spent dealing with these individuals, or how the presence of these individuals can bring down morale in the departments they affect. Also reducing performance and production.

So why does this happen?

Well, for one, when you get your plumber’s contractors license, most states don’t hand out the

“Everything you need to know to hire the best employees for your style of business” handbook.

Nope, most of us just have to “Figure it out”

Usually this looks something like this:

  • (Air Conditioning, Plumbing, Electrical) Contractor gets busy.
  • Contractor decides position needs to be filled.
  • People apply for job. But because air conditioning contractor is busy and because contractor hasn’t been trained to interview people, process is rushed and awkward.
  • Contractor hires person they “Feel” good about.
  • As time goes on, contractor becomes frustrated with employee, but settles because of the dread of going through recruiting and hiring process.
  • Something happens to cause employee to get fired or quit because they were never the right fit.
  • Contractor starts over again.

If this sounds a little familiar, don’t feel bad.   I see this OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

That is why I am so excited about this week’s show.

What if you had a solid plan for recruiting and hiring the RIGHT people for YOUR company and culture?

Imagine how productive your business would be if it was filled with people who were productive and happy to be doing their job?

What if you could grow your company at will because you are confident you can find the right people when you needed them?

This is a topic we will tackle on this week’s Service Contractor Radio Show.

Our guest this week is Grant Robinson.

Grant has developed a hiring and recruiting process that some of the most successful contractors in the country have been using to find top talent.

If you aren’t familiar, every week we collect business related questions from contractors. Then a team industry experts formulates a solution that is shared on the show. (experts who have built hugely successful businesses, using progressive and ethical practices.)

This is a totally interactive experience! Not only do the experts answer, but many times there are some awesome solutions that come from our audience as well!

If this is something that you think could benefit you then I recommend you Register for The Service Contractor Radio Show.

Every week I moderate a panel of industry  Businesses that create great teams and loyal clients.

The show is on Wednesday at 1:30 (CST) and only runs for 1/2 hour.

During this live show we will tackle one question that we eel will most benefit the group. Then we field live questions from the audience. (You can submit questions by Registering Here)

Now you might be wondering, “How much are you charging for this?”. That is where the extra good news comes in.

Right now we are doing this for FREE.

Claim your spot for the show. You can be a fly on the wall, or an active contributor.  Either way I guarantee you will pick up something each week.

I look forward to having you join our group.


What question do you have about recruiting and hiring?

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