
A Conversation With Greg McAfee

Welcome to the Firestarter Podcast, where your host and Service Excellence founder, Todd Liles, interviews owners and managers in the home services industry about stories of radical transformation. We are joined today by Greg McAfee, owner of McAfee Heating and Air in Dayton, Ohio. In this episode, Greg discusses his beginnings in the business and struggles he has endured since. He discusses his personal kryptonite, impatience, and how it has both helped and hindered him. McAfee also talks about the importance of thinking outside the box and finding unique ways to serve customers. Tune to hear how, like Greg, you can Ignite the Power Within!


Check-in every other Wednesday for a new episode. In the meantime, please leave a review and let us know who you think has an awesome story of radical transformation to share! 


Go out and Ignite the Power Within!

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