
A Sales Presentation inside an Independent Contracting Company

When walking through the foundational disciplines of a sales call, the presentation portion is where “the rubber begins to meet the road.”  In order to begin the presentation with a homeowner, a technician should be finished with the entire diagnostic, be ready to show the homeowner the findings, and be prepared for the prevention of options.  In today’s posts, we will delve into the three foundational components that, when done correctly, will create a strong and compelling presentation for sales technicians in an HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company:

-Prove your value and your company’s value-

Proving the value of you and your HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company should be something that continues throughout the entire sales process.  Value building happens both blatantly through making a strong credibility statement such as, “I promise the work that you will be getting from me today will be done right the first time, I’ve been a dedicated technician in this industry for over 10 years.” But most of the value building throughout a call will be less obvious in nature but will speak volumes to the client, such as ensuring the protection of the client’s home through consciously utilizing floor protection or through sending out a sales technician that is personable, relatable, and observant of his client’s needs.  In order for a sales presentation to end with a solid close, it is important that value of both the HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company and the sales technician has been firmly established because clients invest in people first and products second.

-Answer the two internal client questions: “Why should I buy?” and “Why should I buy from you?”-

The first important step in the sales presentation process is getting the client to come with you to see the problem with their system or product first-hand.  When a client sees the problem for himself then he will be more likely to focus on the details and repercussions of the problem before jumping to the notorious question of “how much.”  As a sales technician, you should want your client to embrace an inquisitive and technical mindset because when clients are fully informed about the malfunctions within the system or product that has caused the ultimate problem then they will naturally begin to see why investing in a repair or a replacement option is the best choice.

When working to ensure that the client is fully aware of the technical problem at-hand, it is also important to use analogies that help the client better understand the issue.  For example, if the capacitor has stopped working in a system then a tech could ask their client if he is familiar with a capacitor and if the answer is no then the sales technician could continue by explaining that a capacitor is like a battery in a car, it gives the system the jump it needs to start and to keep going.  It is also important that sales technicians do not talk down to their clients by saying phrases such as “do you understand” but rather use phrases such as “are you familiar with.”  After the diagnostic has been thoroughly reviewed, it is time to begin presenting repair and replacement options as well as presenting the company’s strong guarantees and warranties. It is during this portion of the presentation and sales process, that a technician can further prove why his service company is the wise, practical, and the overall best HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company to invest in.

-Assure client that their problem can be solved affordably by presenting investment options-

For many system or product problems there may be a repair or replacement option.  While many clients may solely want to look at replacement options that will take care of the problem long-term, there are some clients that will want to consider the effectiveness of repair options.  The best way to walk a client through the cost-effectiveness of repairs versus replacements is to write out and calculate a cost comparison analysis that considers the total invest versus the projected lifespan of different invest options.  Clients value an HVAC, plumbing or electrical company that takes the time to write out a logical investment comparison.  Clients also value having the ability to see the numbers so they can consider all the possibilities within this cost comparison analysis thus helping the them make the most informed decision about the investment options.  Within the sales presentation portion of a call, it is also important to make the client aware of your HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company’s great guarantees, warranties, as well as scheduled service plan options that can keep their system or product working more efficiently for a longer period of time.

Executing a great sales presentation is a foundational step of the sales process.  Developing an effective presentation revolves around the three important steps that we covered in today’s post: proving value, answering internalized client questions, and presenting different investment options. Thank you for following our weekly post.  Here at Service Excellence Training, we turn learning into earning!

-Resource curated by Whitney Stewart of Service Excellence Training

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