
Technicians: The Independent Contracting Company Face

Service technicians, sales technicians, and install technicians inside independent contracting companies play a major role in pointing a company in the direction of success.  This is why it is so important to recruit and hire techs that have the drive and passion for the industry and have the positive attitude that will mesh with your company’s culture.  In our last blog post, we explored how CSRs act as the “voice” of a company and in today’s post we are going to explore how technicians work to become the “face” of their company:

-Act as the first visual representation of the company-

While clients may see television ads, billboards, or photos on a company website; the first really experience and visual representation that they see on a personal level is when a technician knocks on their door.  At the moment when a client’s door opens, their mind is malleable but after about 16 seconds of interaction that client’s mind is already starting to solidify their first impression of the technician and the company he represents.  Thus it is so important that technicians learn to seamlessly make a positive first impression that can lead to strong rapport building, which in the end can lead to a solid close.  Clients may even be watching a technician’s mannerisms even before he or she opens the door.  So when technicians make an effort to park politely on the street, make a quick exit from their vehicle, and have a positive demeanor and clean appearance as they approach the front door then the easier it will be for them to make a positive impression when they begin to speak with the client.

-Set the standard of service excellence while out in the field-

Along with working to make a strong and positive first impression, it is also important that techs realize that they are setting the standard of service excellence for their company for each individual client they serve.  Each client’s perception becomes his or her own reality.  So if a technician doesn’t respect and protect his client’s home and makes several mistakes that require a call back then that client is going to assume that the entire company tolerates disrespect and poor service.  However, if a technician goes above and beyond to respect all the client’s possessions and ensures that he has taken his time in order to make no mistakes then his client will get the impression that this service company hires and trains the best.  Thus it is important that technicians know that they hold this great responsibility and ensure that they provide each client with service excellence that is far beyond the average service standard.

-Have the means to effectively use company tools that help lead to a close-

When technicians make a positive first impression and provide amazing service excellence then they are on their way to gaining a solid and successful close with their clients.  However, it is important that when this great company-client rapport is built that techs also realize the importance of using the tools that their company provides them with in order to increase their image of professionalism as well as aid the client in being able to follow the steps within the process of the call.  These tools can include an option guide, paperwork for each stage of the call, information on scheduled service plans, or even electronic tablets bought to help guide the call.  When these tools are used then it creates an opportunity for the client and technician to reach a follow-up point where questions and explanations can be offered to ensure that both parties are on the same page.  Using these items throughout a call also allows clients to feel comfortable with the tools and paperwork long before the closing portion of the presentation.  If all of these tools are pulled out right before the close, it could startle the client and cause them to want to retract their interest in closing on a sale or service option.

Every team member inside a company team plays a vitally important role to their company’s growth and development.  Inside independent contracting company’s, technicians work as the “face” of their company because they act as the visual representation of the company, they set the standard for service excellence, and they have a means to implement company procedures to lead to a successful close.  Thank you for following our weekly posts.  Here at Service Excellence Training, we turn learning into earning!

-Resource curated by Whitney Stewart of Service Excellence Training

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