

Installers are important. They install the highest dollar and highest profitable items that your company sells. Yet, installers can be some of the most under-appreciated people in a Service / Replacement company.

Your HVAC / Plumbing / Electrical / Roofing installers deserve to be taken care of. It’s not hard to please these guys and gals, you just need to follow these 3 easy ways to:

Take Care of Your Installers

#1 – A Complete Checklist.

There are few things worse than discovering that you can’t do the install because of missing information.  Installers need the following items:

  • Measurements. This is the responsibility of the salesperson. Get full and complete measurements of openings, transitions, and other necessities of the install.
  • Material List. An incomplete material list wastes time, and costs money. Make sure you give your installers a list of all promised install items.

#2 – Stocked Cooler

Installing is hot work!  HVAC and Plumbing Installers spend lots of time in hot and confined spaces. Electrical Installers and Roofers spend lots of time in the sun. This is very dehydrating. It’s a minimum cost to provide them with a fully stocked cooler. Include the following items:

  • Ice
  • Water
  • Snacks
  • Hydrating Drinks

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#3 – Show Them Some Love

Installers rarely get the perks that Sales People and Service Technicians receive. Here are 3 ways to show your installers some love.

  • Time off. A well-rested installer will have fewer callbacks. Make sure your guys get time off, even in the busy season.
  • Bonuses. Create a bonus system that rewards the installers for a job well done. You could base it off of warranty work and callback ratios.
  • Opportunities. Some of your installers will want to try their hand at up-selling. Give those installers the proper training, and let them earn some extra money. Here is a short list of up-sell opportunities:
    • HVAC: Attic Insulation, IAQ, Thermostats, and Attic Fans
    • Plumbing: Water Filtration, Upgrades on Options, and Heaters
    • Electrical: Attic Fans, Panel Upgrades, and Lighting Upgrades
    • Roofing: Insulation, Venting Upgrades, and Skylights

These are just a few of the ways that you can take care of your installers.

Question: Of the 3 ways, which one do you think is most important?

Share your answer on your favorite social media network.

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