
3 Steps to Successfully Launching a Performance Based Team Member

I was so close to being fired, that I could barely eat the burrito in front of me. I was a Performance-Based Team Member of an HVAC company, and I sucked.

My “suckiness” was caused because of a poor on-boarding procedure in our company. In truth, there was no on-boarding process other than “Go sell something!” Get in a truck, and see what happens.

For most of the guys on the team, that was perfectly fine. After all, our company was a time and material service company, and inexperience meant more money billed. However, I was the newly minted “Sales Rep.” I was the only Performance Based Team Member at the company. For me, inexperience meant BROKE AS A JOKE! You can read more about my early days in sales, and how I found success in this post >> How to Repair Your Tech or Salesperson’s Confidence

From Time and Material to Performance-Based Team

I eventually figure out how to be successful at the Time and Material Service Company while working as a Performance-Based Sales Rep. So successful that we tripled the business. More time past and I was caught up in a whirlwind of being a high producer, and being recruited by VenVest. (VenVest was the investment company that started Success Academy, Success Group International, and the Franchises of One Hour and others.)

Within a few years, I caught the entrepreneurial bug and partnered with an HVAC and Plumbing Company. Later, I founded Service Excellence Training.

The founding of SET was the classic E-Myth story. I’m a great trainer and business consultant; so I might as well start a business! Right?

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Like most great technicians, I practiced my craft with amazing expertise. And, my craft just happened to be helping other people build their companies. (Which I’m really good at doing.) So business here at SET grew. It outgrew me. In fact, it outgrew me so fast that I looked up one day and realized a shocking fact:

I’ve been so busy helping other companies build their system and procedure foundations; that I have forgotten to build SET’s foundations!

If SET is going to grow into a real, solid, amazing business that has massive growth potential; then I must do in my business what we teach our clients to do. Thankfully, this realization happened some time ago, and we are deep into that process now.

Today’s post highlights just small section of our process, but a very important section:

How to Successfully Launch A Performance-Based Team Member

In today’s post, you will get a video that reviews the 3 major steps to Successfully Launching a Performance-Based Team Member. This post features two of our Performance Based Team Members:

Chris, Brandon and I are going to unpack the following steps in launching a performance-based team member:

  1. The Interview Process

  2. The First 90 Days

  3. The Second 90 Days

In addition to the 3 areas above, we also discuss:

  • Pay Structures

  • Motivation Points

  • Goals

  • and Systems and Procedure Building

Enjoy the video, and share with your friends.

VIDEO Training: How to Successfully Launch A New Performance-Based Team Member

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