If you’re not failing, you’re not trying!
I had a super embarrassing failure at the gym Sunday. It happened on my last set of squats. The bar was loaded with 450 pounds. This is a heavy weight, but not impossible. 3 months ago I squatted 463 pounds for 1 rep. Last week, I squatted 430 for 4 reps.
The goal was to squat 450 for 3 to 5 reps.
I recruited 3 guys to spot me for safety, and I was ready!
I get under the bar, walk it out, take a deep breath, squat down, come up, and fail right in the middle. The “sticking point.”
While this experience sucked, I know that this failure made me stronger.
There are many lesson in failure, and in today’s video I share the most important with you.
Keep this in mind as you are learning, and trying new things that stretch your ability.