
Sales is a skill we learn in life and grow in our Independent Contracting Company

Sales are the lifeblood of a successful HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company. Surprisingly, seeing a need for growing selling skills is something that we all recognize at a young age—we may not initially see it as selling—but in reality we all start out as little salespeople. Let’s delve into three sales areas that we naturally learn in our youth and begin to perfect as we grow and enter into an independent contracting company and the business world:

-Recognizing Need-
When working to make a sale, it is first important to recognize that there is a need for the product, item, or idea. When a child finds a stuffed animal, action figure, or some other unique play-thing in a store there are several things that subconsciously run through his or her little mind: 1. I don’t have this toy, 2. If I had this toy it would make me happy, 3. What is the best way to ask for this toy? These same three types of thoughts should run through a technician’s mind when he is interacting with his clients: 1. My clients don’t have this product, 2. Based on my clients’ problem, they would be thoroughly satisfied with this product, 3. What is the best way that I can relate to my clients so they can see the need?

-Perceiving Value-
Once the need is recognized, the next step is to develop the concept of “why this product, item, or idea is valuable.” As a child, I remember loving themed Barbie dolls (Christmas 1997 Barbie, Snow White Barbie, etc.) and I remember telling my parents that these Barbies would be great collector items and I could save them for my children someday. And you know what? I was right, I still have those special dolls to this day! In that one easy statement, I conveyed to my parents that investing in this doll would have long-term value. In a nutshell, this means that technicians inside an HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company must convey why an investment in their item, product, or idea is worth it overall to their clients as well as why they the best technician or independent contracting company to invest in.

-Obtaining a Close-
When a client has found value in what a technician is selling then asking for a close becomes a more clear-cut and rather easy process. While some clients may make the close on their own, most won’t close until the technicians ask for it. When we are young and we have done all the behind-the-scenes work of explaining the need and developing value—we are not afraid to ask for the close. The same should be true in the independent contracting company world, when we have walked through the discovery of the need, helped cultivate value, and learned about our client’s personality type then we can successfully ask for the close in the manner in which our clients feel most comfortable. Asking for the close with all of these components successfully in place makes the sales and selling process flow smoothly from both the client and HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company perspective.

Growing sales inside your HVAC, plumbing, and electrical independent contracting company is all about perfecting the selling skills that we all naturally have engrained into our minds. When we prove need, grow value, and ask for a close then we can grow sales and service excellence inside our HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company. Thank you for following our weekly posts. Here at Service Excellence Training, we turn learning into earning!

-Resource curated by Whitney Stewart of Service Excellence Training.

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