
Recruiting and Quitting in the Independent Contracting World

Recruiting and Quitting

Do you recruit to replace quitters, or recruit to build winners?

 In order to recruit winners, you need to go after those who are winning. “It took me too many years to finally realize that if I need to hire an experienced person for a particular position I need to recruit the very best person available.” – Ron Smith, HVAC Spells Wealth.

This by its very definition means that you will be recruiting people who are already achieving at other companies. If you don’t do this, then you are recruiting an inexperienced person. There are times that hiring new to the industry people will serve you well, such as with a salesperson or an apprentice. If you are looking for a master plumber or technician, then you must recruit the best. “If you recruit mediocre people you can expect mediocre results” – Ron Smith

Most companies use recruiting the same way that an emergency technician uses bandages. If something is hurting, or bleeding, then you recruit. The problem with this method is that it causes really bad hiring decisions, and it only treats an instant need. The end result is almost always a greater headache. “I remember many times lying in bed in the middle of the night agonizing over a non performing coworker while he or she was probably sleeping like a rock. Those sleepless nights were usually the result of hasty hiring decisions or of not recruiting properly.” — Ron Smith

In my personal experience, I have found that anyone will quit their job at any point in time. The high performers and the low performers are equal opportunity quitters. If you have a team full of high performers, and a stable of potential high performers ready to come on board, then you can lose an employee without bleeding out. If you have not been recruiting, then you will find yourself in a very bad positing. “Nearly all companies only think of recruiting when they have a need.” “If you as owners and leaders will adopt an every-day-of-the-year recruiting mentality you’ll make your company a shining exception to the industry practice.” – Ron Smith As mentioned; if you have been recruiting, then you will always be in a good position if a high performer quits. Now with that being said, there are times that have a heightened likelihood of potential employee loss. Here is a short list that I have accumulated over time.

The Top 7 Signs of an Employee at Risk for Quitting

1. After great emotional distress, such as divorce or family loss.

2. After a leader in the company quits. This can be a technician, or a manager. If you do not have a non-compete / non-solicit in place with your employees and managers, then put one in place. You may not be able to enforce the non-compete with your techs, but you should be able to enforce the non-solicit to include clients and employees.

3. After a “meeting” where an employee was embarrassed in front of his peers.

4. After the promotion of one employee over another in a position they both wanted.

5. After there is a dispute over money.

6. When you go on vacation.

7. When an employee starts saying to you: “My old boss called me the other day.”

-Resource curated by Todd Liles of Service Excellence Training.


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