
Recharging the Independent Contracting Company Battery

“A salesman, like the storage battery in your car, is constantly discharging energy. Unless he is recharged at frequent intervals he soon runs dry. This is one of the greatest responsibilities of sales leadership.” R. H. Grant

We all have to “recharge our batteries” from time to time.   When we ,as independent contractors, give ourselves the opportunity to rejuvenate and revive then we can come at our daily tasks and goals inside our HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company with a fresh start and a new sense of motivation.  It is important for independent contractors to recognize when their independent contacting company team members need rejuvenation and it is also important that they possess the skills and resources to help their independent contracting company team refresh so the company can run efficiently.  Today we are going to explore a few useful ways that HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contractors can help their independent contracting company team members “recharge their batteries”:


One of the greatest ways to aid in rejuvenating your HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company team is to implement regular training into your company schedule.  Training works to refresh independent contracting company team members and independent contractors in two very important ways.  First, training gives team members an opportunity to see and hear what their job should look like and sound like from an outside perspective.  This is important because if a sales technician is struggling with one area of the sales process or has trouble dealing with a certain objective, training works to help tackle his issue through vivid examples and expert advice.  When an independent contracting company team member’s mind gets stocked full of new ideas and techniques, his confidence grows and he can once again feel refreshed and motivated.

The second major way that training helps rejuvenate is a more indirect benefit than the first yet amazingly important and advantageous.  When an employee sees that their managers and leaders want to invest time, money, and energy into giving them a great training experience then they will feel valued.  When HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company team members feel valued and appreciated, they will be more productive, confident, and motivated team members.  Thus regular team training can spark a sense of motivation and appreciation among employees that works to rejuvenate each individual as well as recharge independent contracting company morale.


While the encouragement aspect of the rejuvenation and recharging process seems like a “no brainer,” it is actually a step that carries great weight yet can be easily overlooked.  Learning how to encourage your independent contracting company team members is a process that requires careful observation.  Some team members may need more regular encouragement than others but regardless of the frequency of encouragement, all independent contracting company team members need it in some fashion.  Encouragement works to recharge team members through reassuring them that their skills, assets, and hard work is noticed and appreciated.  When leaders and independent contractors encourage their team members, it opens up lines of communication between both parties.  Sometimes recharging and renewing comes when an individual knows they are recognized as an important component of the independent contracting company team thus regular and purposeful encouragement is a way that this message can be conveyed to all team members.

-Rewards and Acknowledgement-

Along with encouragement, working rewards and acknowledgement into the company culture of an HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company is important to the overall morale of the independent contracting company as well as each individual team member.  Each employee will prefer a different type of reward or method of acknowledgement, depending on their personality type, but there are several main ways that awards and acknowledgement can be utilized to rejuvenate a team.  The first idea is to bring the team together for a special occasion once a year to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of your independent contracting company employees as an independent contractor.  This works to motivate, excite, and refresh a team when they have a moment to reminisce on accomplishments and goals that have been met throughout the year.

The second way to reward members of your independent contracting company team, especially those that have excelled or have lots of experience, is by allowing an employee to train his teammates on a topic he has researched and planned out. When an employee feels that his leaders trust him to train others, it allows that employee to feel empowered because he has the ability to pass on knowledge as well as the ability to invest in the success and well being of others on his team.  Cultivating effective leadership inside an HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company team allows from growth and development.  This method keeps team members and independent contractors from feeling “burnt out” but instead allows them feel free to excel, learn, and mentor.

Leaders as well as team members in an HVAC, plumbing, or electrical  independent contracting company need to have opportunities to “recharge their batteries” in order to perform more effectively.  When an independent contracting company embraces these important rejuvenation methods from today’s post: training, encouragement, rewards and acknowledgement; then they will be setting their company team up for great success. Thank you for following our weekly posts.  Here at Service Excellence Training, we turn learning into earning!

-Resource curated by Whitney Stewart of Service Excellence Training.

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