
PRESS PLAY for Sales Changed the Game for Garrett Lynn of Aire Serv Tyler!

Garrett Lynn of Aire Serv in Tyler Texas is having amazing success as a HVAC Sales Person.  He is attributing much of his recent success to the Training he received while at the PRESS PLAY for Sales Seminar in Austin, TX.  Garrett was so excited, he even sent in this wonderful testimony to share with all of you.

Garrett Lynn’s Testimony for the PRESS PLAY for Sales Training Seminar

I have been in HVAC sales for a little under four years now, and at $700,000.00 in system replacements sold year to date. I received my initial sales training from Thomas Dougherty, and have since tried to stay in touch with him as much as possible. Thomas has always made a point to get back to me on all my questions, and has never led me in the wrong direction. When I heard he went to work with Todd Liles, I wanted to see what his new sales training course was about.

The mindset I had going into the training class was not to walk out a million dollar salesman over night, but to take away a few tools to use during my sales calls to help me get to my goal of a one million dollars in sales in one year.

The biggest tool I walked away from the course with, was how to approach and communicate with my customers. Up until this class I went through the exact same script, in the same order every time, at the same pace. PRESS PLAY changed my entire outlook on this and specifically changed how I communicate with different customers that have different communication styles.

The very first call I ran after coming home from the PRESS PLAY training course went about as smooth as it possibly could, with MUCH less effort than I normally would have put into the call. I went through all my steps of building the relationship and so forth, but changed one single question before starting my 12 plus question survey. Thomas and Todd said to ask “What about your current system do you really like and want to keep?” The customer looked straight at me and said “Garrett, I’ve had three other companies out here and you are the first to ask that. When I first bought this system in 1994 I got the top of the line equipment. All my rooms keep an even temperature, saved me money on my energy bill, and keeps us at 78 in the summer time and 70 in the winter. If I could change one thing about the system today though it would be to get a 10 year parts and labor warranty, and save a little more on my energy bill.”

This one, yet very powerful question, got the customer to tell me everything I needed to know and what direction to go from there. The only topic I had to ask leading questions on was in regards to his IAQ issues.

This call ended in a closed sale and cut my call time in half. PRESS PLAY is worth every single penny! No matter if you are a brand new sales person or have been in it for ten plus years, these guys know how to help you take off your blinders and looks at things from a new perspective.

– Garrett Lynn-Aire Serv Tyler, Texas

We are so thankful that Garrett and his team trusted us to get them to the next level.  We would love to do the same for you.  Our next PRESS Play seminar is being held on November 10-12 in Austin, Tx. Seats are limited and we are already at 80% of capacity in the Sales Series class! Only 3 seats left.

Interested in growing sales the right way using proven and ethical principles! Call Thomas Dougherty today at 512-922-0517 and reserve your seat! Results Guaranteed!

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