If you follow SET, then you know that we have clients that are producing some really impressive results. We love to brag on their record-breaking months and their industry-leading results. Who wouldn’t want to produce $1,000 average service tickets or have a replacement close rate at or above 70%?
Well, here’s the thing, there are some basic skills that you need to develop before you can knock every service call out of the ballpark. Learning how to ask questions, stimulate need, diagnose problems, and build relationships comes first. Once you can do those things, you are ready to start seeing massive results.
We all need a clear path to follow as we work through the process.
A Proven Plan for Building Service and Sales Success
Here at Service Excellence, we talk a lot about the PRESS PLAY Steps. It’s the proven plan that has helped over 20,000 people establish their credibility and get awesome results! Each step has a clear skill that you can master and use to help you stay focused.
Whether you’re already getting huge results, or just getting started, this is your gameplan to chase down your dreams and reach your money goals. This will take hard work and discipline, but it will make you great!
Are you ready to PRESS PLAY? Let’s go!
Step 1: Prepare to win.
Let’s face it: service calls are unpredictable. They are a surprise for your client and are an unforeseen expense. Emergency expenses are a big reason why clients get so stressed out – and why service techs often get the brunt of an unhappy client’s emotions. See, the client is having a bad day, and even though you are there to fix the problem, you will still have to deal with the client’s mood. That is why you have to go into every call Prepared!
A well-Prepared CSR, sales professional, and technician can step into any bad situation ready to put a smile on the client’s face. With a well-Prepared Plan, you won’t have to be the victim of an unhappy client the next time you go to an emergency call. Your first goal is to Prepare yourself to win and produce massive results in a bad situation.
How do you produce big results in a bad situation? By adopting a winning mindset.
A Winning Mindset for Success in Sales and Leads
Step 2: Relationship is Key.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret: People buy from other people that they like and trust! There’s no rule that says your client has to buy from you because you show up at the door. Nope—they can tell you to leave! It’s time to build a strong relationship with your client, and start winning!
Using your observation skills, make a mental list of the things that are of interest to the client. An easy way to do this is to remember the FORM acronym:
Family – everyone loves their family, and there is no baby cuter to a momma then her own.
Occupation – our work is where we spend the most time. It’s the place where we get to be the expert. Ask your client about their work and show interest.
Recreations – hobbies are where we invest in our passion. Hobbies are one of the easiest connection points to make.
Material Possessions – where we spend our money shows what has value in our lives. Use your observation skills to determine how your client invests their money.
Building a strong relationship should be one of your big goals. FORM is one approach to getting there, but there are 4 other important keys to solidify a Like and Trust Relationship. That’s why I encourage you to take A Series Class that we created to help CSRs, techs, and sales professionals build a strong relationship and start producing massive results. Over 100 thousand professionals have studied these methods through our training resources, and you can too!
Find a Class Near You
Step 3: Explore with questions.
Once your relationship is strong, you’re ready to start exploring the clients concerns through smart questions. Smart questions are the secret of success for professionals. You see, a real professional knows that “telling ain’t selling!” Listening and asking great questions is the best sales tool you own. Don’t lose your focus! This call is about your clients’ needs and concerns. By asking questions, you will show interest for the client’s needs. By listening closely, you will gain valuable insights on the problem and discover the client’s pain points.
Podcast: Evaluate with Questions
Step 4: Settle any fears.
This is where it gets really fun. After you’ve proven that you’re a great listener and care about the client, the client is ready to hear what you have to say.
So, what do you have to say? Your client has 3 really big fears that you have to address – credibility, pricing, and control. If you want to have massive results with average tickets and closing percentages, then you have to remove the client’s fear of doing business with you. Everyone’s approach to this will have some slight differences, but there are some tried and true principles that you should use at this point in every service call.
How much is missing from your presentation? Figure it out with these awesome $7 Dollar Service Scripts.
Get Your $7 CSR and Tech Scripts
Step 5: System overview and diagnostic.
No service or sales call is complete without a professional system overview and diagnostic. With the proper tools and some planning, you can boost your average tickets and add-ons just by discovering the connected problems with the system.
In our PRESS PLAY Series Programs, we will give you a Diagnostic Sheet that you can customize for your company. We have these for Electrical, Roofing, Plumbing and HVAC. This one tool is worth the price of admission!
Register for Class, and Get the Diagnostic Tool
Step 6: Present the solutions.
The closing percentage of the untrained CSR, Tech and Sale Professional is 43% less than the trained professionals! The average ticket of an untrained tech or sales professional is 104% less than the trained professionals! Those losses equate to a staggering amount of lost revenue and profits! In my experience, even a modest amount of training can significantly boost key performance indicators and client satisfaction.
When it comes to presenting solutions, you better know how to LEAP through Objections and Present Options!
LEAP Through Objections
Step 7: Labor, do the work.
If you did the other 6 steps well, then you get to go to work! Labor is about doing the technical work that solves the client’s problems. Imagine a situation where the client is enjoying her time instead of watching you make your repairs!
When you have followed PRESS PLAY, your client’s trust is high, and her fears are low! This means you get to focus on your work and your client gets to do other productive things.
Success is a Product of Hard Work
Step 8: Add value to the call.
Do you know the Value Equation? It’s really simple. It says that if the client agreed to pay you $1,000 dollars for your solution to her problems, then you are going to show her $1,100 in value for her money. That’s called “getting more than you paid for!” And in my world, that’s a win! That kind of win leads to huge client satisfaction and happy referrals.
Here’s the best part – this value comes at no additional cost to you. Do you know how to add this type of value? If not, then you need to attend one of our PRESS PLAY Series Programs.
Learn How to Boost Profits and Add Value
Step 9: Your future is in your hands,
No call is complete until the client has agreed to see you again. We call this “getting a Service Agreement.” You may call it a Club Membership or an Energy Savings Plan. No matter what you call it, it’s your future. You want to end a call knowing that you will be back. Having an abundant list of Service Agreements is a great way to start any quarter!
Boost Your Service Agreements
- Think investment: Transforming your team members into Results Producing Superstars takes time and money. Don’t look at training your people like an expense. Look at it like an investment that will make you more money! Trust me, it’s worth it to invest in your people.
- Take the steps in order: Stop trying to wing it in your service approach. You have a road-map to success. It’s called PRESS PLAY. Taking one step at a time will get you to the right destination. Trust the process.
- Celebrate your accomplishments: Enjoy the momentum. Celebrate the increase in profits and happiness. Don’t apologize for winning.
You’ve got this. It doesn’t matter where you’ve come from—it matters where you’re going.