

How to reclaim your personal freedom

In 2002, work gave me my first mobile phone. At first, I thought it was amazing. However, I soon discovered that having a mobile phone had one huge drawback. A loss of personal freedom.

Before mobile phones, we used high powered service radios. (Does anyone else remember those days?)

Service radios were big, loud, and had limited range. Because of their limitations, it was expected that you would turn it off and charge it when you were not on-call. In those days, when you were off, you were off.

But times change, and our company grew.

As our service area grew, the long reach of a mobile phone became a necessity.

Mobile phones soon replaced service radios.

The mobile phone had the advantage of being small. In addition, you could contact one tech at a time. The old service radios mostly used an open channel that would call all techs. This kept the service radio use to a minimal. You used it as it was needed.

Mobile phones are not service radios. They are far more powerful.

Mobile phones have added the ability to: text, email, message on social media, and track your location by GPS.

With power comes responsibility. But the problem with new power, is that you have to learn how to use it properly.

No one taught us how to properly use the power of a mobile phone.

And it’s reach started as a slow creep into our lives like the tendrils of a sci-fi monster. Tendril by tendril, the mobile phone began to dig into our personal freedoms. Now it has a hold on our lives.

In short, the mobile phone is the ultimate electronic chain.

And, this is unhealthy.  CLICK HERE to Read:  Killing the Service Tech

You need to be able to disconnect when you are not at work, and on-call.

Working for a company does not mean losing your personal freedom.

In this article, I will show you 5 simple ways to:

Reclaim your personal freedom, set healthy boundaries, and be a great team member

Solution #1 – Defined the Times to Answer Your Phone

Boundary lines are key to any healthy relationship.

Here are the times that you should be expected to answer your work mobile phone:

  • When you are working your normal shift hours.
  • When you are on-call. This needs to be scheduled in advance.
  • When you are on standby. Standby should NOT be every night. It needs to be scheduled, and used in rotation.

Solution #2 – Define the Times When You Are to Carry Your Work Phone

The same times as above. When you are not working, on call, or on standby, the phone should be charging in your service vehicle.

IMPORTANT NOTE for Managers and Business Owners

Not only is this a good idea, but it may just protect your company from liability.

Solution #3 – Don’t Work for a Dictator

If you work for a person that has no respect for your personal life, then you may need to find a new place to work.

Solution #4 – Don’t Be a Dictator

If you are a person that has no respect for other’s personal lives, then you will constantly be looking for new people.  CLICK HERE to Read:  The 5 Traps of a Service Manager

Solution #5 – Be a Team Player

There are times when you will have to step up in a pinch. Be that team player that folks can count on. You understand the difference in being helpful, versus being taken advantage of.

If you implement these 5 simple boundary lines in your life, you will regain your personal freedom and break the chains of the mobile phone.

That’s it! It is not more complicated than that.

This article needs to be shared. You and everyone you know will benefit from establishing healthy boundaries on mobile phone use. Please give this to your fellow team members, and share everywhere on social media.

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