
“Believe it to Achieve it”- The Independent Contracting Team

An independent contracting team must consistently and collectively believe in the excellence of each of their team members as well as their company as a whole, in order to boost leads and grow a HVAC company teams’ ability to sell.  When a service company team truly believes that they work with knowledgeable and service-oriented coworkers then it makes their ability to boost client buy-in a more natural and fluid process.  In our post today, we are going to look deeper into the idea of believing in your company team and we will explore the three areas that make up this “believe it to achieve it” method:


When working to grow a personal belief and positive attitude about each of your coworkers as well as your own position inside a HVAC, plumbing, or electrical service company, it is first important to believe in the training that your company team receives.  No one is naturally inclined to all the skills and knowledge that it takes to be successful inside an independent contracting company but when each team member makes a conscious decision to learn, grow, and develop through the training their company provides then it develops a more well-rounded and well-informed company team.  When each team member believes in the unmatched excellence, first-rate skill honing, and exceptional sales training that they and each of their coworkers; whether CSRs, techs, or manager, receives then it creates an environment that teems with encouragement as well as mutual trust and respect.


Along with believing in the excellence of team training, it is also important that each team member trusts and believes in the character of each of their team members inside your HVAC, plumbing, or electrical company.  This first starts with the culture and standards that company owners and leaders put into place.  When team members know the high employment standards of their company, then they should be so confident of their leaders’ judgment when hiring that they know that only service driven, honest, and trustworthy coworkers will be added to their team.  A trust in individual team character is also easily transmitted to clients.  When team members can seamlessly pass a new client on to the next team member in the sales process as well as truly believe in the character of that team member enough to speak very highly of them to their client, then it plants the important understanding in the client’s mind that your company team is cohesive and careful to build each other up.  What a great initial image to have growing in a client’s mind– because clients invest in people first and products second.

-Unique Assets-

Another important area to focus on when it comes to believing in your company team is seeing the value and advantages of each team members’ individual and unique traits and characteristics.  If everyone on a company team had the same personality type and the same life experiences then it would not make up a well-rounded or unique team.  But when the little aspects and skills of each team member works to create the service-driven culture and positive company environment then a team can truly see the value in their company diversity.  Recognizing the unique and beneficial assets of each team member can also help a company team relate to their clients more effectively in order to bring them complete service excellence.  Clients first appreciate the ability to relate with team members on a personal level whether through life experiences or through a certain personality type.  When team members can see the need for this personal connection and put one of their coworkers together with a specific client then it makes for a seamless connection between company and client.

Sales, leads, and retention growth inside an independent contracting company first begins with a company teams’ ability to believe in themselves and their coworkers.  In our post today, we focused on three important areas that make up the “believe it to achieve it” process: believing in the excellence of your team training, believing in the character of each coworker, and believing in the benefit of the uniqueness of each team member.  Thank you for following our weekly post.  Here at Service Excellence Training, we turn learning into earning!

-Resource curated by Whitney Stewart of Service Excellence Training

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