
Overcome Objections with the Mirror Technique

mirror technique

How Mirroring Can Help You Overcome Objections

In the home services industry, you have and will continue to receive objections from customers. It’s the reality of the industry to receive objections. When you try to overcome objections, it might feel like a fight or a confrontation with your client. If you feel like it’s a fight with your client, chances are your client also feels this way and you won’t be winning their business any time soon. 

If you enter a scenario where you are trying to overcome objections, try using the Mirror Technique. When your client gives you an objection, rephrase their objection with a question. If a client says your costs are too high, rephrase the objection to “the costs are too high?” Returning their objection as a question forces the client to explain why the costs are too high, thus, opening up a conversation. 

What is the LEAP Method?

When you’re using the Mirror Technique, it is important to remember the LEAP Method: 

L – Listen

E – Empathize

A – Ask Questions

P – Problem Solve

Listening and empathizing are the first and arguably the most important parts of the Mirror Technique. Having a supportive, non-confrontational presence will reduce the pressure a client might feel. 

Asking questions opens up a conversation that gives you more wiggle room to overcome objections. When the conversation is opened up, you can then do your best to Problem Solve, further emphasizing your supportive approach to the client. 

What’s an Example of the Mirror Technique?

The Mirror Technique can be uncomfortable to use if you have never done it before or have never seen it in practice. Here is a quick scenario where the Mirror Technique can be implemented. 

Client: I don’t think we can go through with your service, the cost isn’t within our budget.

Sales Rep: Not within budget?

Client: Yeah, well we are doing several other projects around the house and it’s just outside of our price range. 

Sales Rep: Other projects?

From here, the client will go on and on about their projects or whatever other reasons they have for objecting. This opens a nonconfrontation conversation that warms you and your business up to the client and allows for more openings to wear down the objections. 

Rember when you are practicing the Mirror Technique to remain non-confrontational and to adhere to LEAP. If you follow these best practices, you’ll turn learning into earning in no time. 

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