
My #1 Rule for the Christmas Objection

My #1 Rule for the Christmas Objection

Christmas is fast on its way, and that means one thing for the Service Tech – CHRISTMAS OBJECTIONS!

Smart managers are addressing this concern early, and seeking resources to help their guys.

Mick Morgan of Brother’s Heating, Cooling and Plumbing of Colorado is one of those managers.  Here’s a request that he submitted via email:

Hey Todd!

Shot in the dark here, but I would love to see a blog post on ideas to overcome the “Holidaze” objection. You know the one “With the holidays right around the corner, I can’t afford to be replacing my ____”.

Not sure if you have anything objection work for the holidays….If so, would love to read it!  

I have been working your “I can’t afford that” blog post in the meantime with my guys that have been through the Texas class. [CLICK HERE to Read about the Class]

Great energy in the Thursday class last week. The team really enjoyed it! ]


Mick Morgan

Plumbing Manager

Thanks for the request Mick!   I will answer your request here in 2 ways:

  1. A Video Covering my “#1 Rule for the Christmas Objections”
  2. A link to the original blog post – CLICK HERE to read “How to Crush the Christmas Objections.”

Question:  What do you do to assure a Merry Christmas? Please comment and share on  and .

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