

Missed an opportunity to get a discount on training your techs and sales professionals

Have you ever missed out on something before you even knew it was available?  Well, that’s happened to you this week, and you didn’t even know it.

This week, for the first time our Early Bird Offer was gone before it even got started.

Let me explain.

Our PRESS PLAY Programs are so popular that clients have been calling in to reserve their spots before the program was officially released.

Today is the fist official day that the class goes live, and the Early Bird Discounts are already gone.  SEE CLASSES HERE.

Typically, I give a 15% discount to the first 10 students that register for class. After the first 10 are gone, it’s back to full price.

That’s usually how it works. Not this week though. This week, I’m going to break my own rule. And I’m doing it out of a sense of fairness to you.

You see, I think it would be unfair for you to miss out on an Early Bird offer that you didn’t even know existed.

So, this is what I’m going to do. I’m going to extend the Early Bird Offer through this week. If you book this week, you can get 15% Off any of our PRESS PLAY Training Programs.  SEE CLASSES HERE.

There’s only 2 ways that you can miss out on this Early Bird Offer:

1. You wait to book until next week, or

2. The class books completely full before you get a chance to take the offer. (The class filling early is very likely to happen.)

I don’t want you to miss out on creating transformation in your life, and the life of your team. So, book early, save 15%, and get huge results.

If your ready to book, or if you have questions, then Joe is on standby ready to help. You can call our office line at 512-333-4133, or call Joe on his mobile number at 334-322-5215.

your’s in turning learning into earning,

Todd Liles with Service Excellence Training

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