This is what he had to say after his experience at the training series,
“I’m taking the sales portion and it has been awesome! Terry, Matt and Todd have done a great job. I’m learning a lot and getting to cover a lot. I really see the benefits from a technical standpoint.”
submitted in class – 5/4/13
Mike Albritton is in sales and marketing for an HVAC Independent Contracting Company called Harrell King Heating & Cooling located in Bainbridge, GA. Mike Albritton was kind enough to provide the wonderful video testimonial from above about his experience as an HVAC sales and marketing comfort advisor at Service Excellence Training’s classroom training event. Like many other satisfied HVAC, plumbing, and electrical independent contractors, Mike Albritton felt that the training series worked to give life and enhancement to what the sales process should look like inside every HVAC Independent Contracting Company. After gaining this insight to the beauty of the sales process, Mike Albritton explained that he was looking forward to growing within the steps of this sales process to make him successful and oriented around service excellence. This is what he had to say after his experience at the training series,
“I’m taking the sales portion and it has been awesome! Terry, Matt and Todd have done a great job. I’m learning a lot and getting to cover a lot. I really see the benefits from a technical standpoint.”
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Here at Service Excellence Training, we get excited when we hear comments like this from our independent contractors, like Mike, “I’ve enjoyed it, it’s been a lot of fun, it’s a real relaxed atmosphere. It’s definitely worth coming back to and send the rest of our technicians to as well.” The entire Service Excellence Training team loves helping technicians, managers, owner, CSRs, and dispatchers turn their learning into earning!
HVAC sales and marketing comfort advisor, Mike Albritton’s, video testimonial also answers why he believes that other HVAC, plumbing, and electrical independent contractors should use Service Excellence Training to train their team and what big ideas as well as enticing aspects other independent contractors will get from attending, Service Excellence Training classroom training events.