
Michelle Johnson Testimonial

What big idea will you and your team take from this training series:

“Communication/motivations with personality types.”


Submitted in class – 12/5/12

Michelle Johnson is the Sales and Marketing Coordinator of a Plumbing Company  called Plumbing in Cedar Hill, TX.  In this video above, Michelle Johnson provides the Service Excellence Training team with a wonderful testimonial based on her experience at Service Excellence Training’s classroom training event. As Michelle Johnson knows first-hand, communication skills and relationship building skills are a key aspect of growing sales inside any HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company.  Relating with a client on several levels is important to making an effective close.  Michelle Johnson explains that during her experience at the training series, she and her technicians received training that focused on discovering clients personality types, how to relate to these individual personality types, how to handle objections, and ease client doubts effectively and efficiently.

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Michelle said that this training series was “different that any other training” that her company had ever received because of the focus on breaking down how communication skills work on a personal level based on a client’s individual personality type.  Because of her wonderful experience at the training series, Michelle said that, she “would highly recommend this training!” Here at Service Excellence Training, we love helping independent contractors, like you and Michelle, grow success in communication skills inside your independent contracting company.

The written answers below were provided by Michelle Johnson and they answers the question “Why should I use Service Excellence Training to train my team?” for HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Sales, Service, CSR, and Dispatcher Training.  These well-thoughtout responses also explain the big idea and most enjoyed experience that Michelle and her company team will take from their experience at Service Excellence Training’s classroom training event:

What big idea will you and your team take from this training series:

“Communication/motivations with personality types.”

What did you like most about this training series:

“Communication info on personalities.”

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