
Michael Curles Testimonials

What big idea will you and your team take with you from this training series:

“Club sales, goals”


Submitted in class – 10/24/12

Michael Curles is technician for an HVAC Independent Contracting Company called Harrell King Heating & Cooling located in Bainbridge, GA.  Michael Curles provided the Service Excellence Training team with a great testimonial about his experience at Service Excellence Training’s classroom training event.  As all great technicians can vouch, when training hits the nail on the head it can be inspiring, life-altering, and motivational.  That is exactly how HVAC technician Michael Curles described his experience at the training series.  Michael explained to the Service Excellence Training team, “I highly recommend Terry’s class. If you sit down and take the time, it will actually change your life.”  This is the type of motivation that we desire all of our HVAC, plumbing, and electrical managers, technicians, CSRs, and dispatchers to have after attending our training series because here at Service Excellence Training, we strive to turn your learning into earning.

Michael Curles also explained some of the great new skills and information that he picked up at the training series.  He said,  “You open up and help others.  You learn about respect.”  What great life-skills to have with you when growing sales and service inside you independent contracting company as well as learning to effectively talk one-on-one with new clients to build rapport!

Michael provided the Service Excellence Training team with some written answers about his experience at the training series.  These statements explain the big idea that Michael will take with him from this training series, the aspect that he liked most, and these statements will answer the question “Why should I use Service Excellence Training to train my team?” for HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Sales, Service, CSR, and Dispatcher Training.

What big idea will you and your team take with you from this training series:

“Club sales, goals”

What did you like most about this training series:

“Role Playing and time spent going over material.”

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