
Maximizing Your Tech’s Training Experience In Your Absence

You have a service tech that deserves training.  He has proven himself to be diligent and responsive to in-house training.  Now you want to send him to the next Sales or Service Training Program.  However,  you can’t travel, and you are concerned about him getting the most out of the experience.  The last thing you want is to waste your money, or mess up what is already working for this tech.  Don’t worry!  I have 7 tips that will guarantee your tech gets the most out of the next training class.

Inspect What You Expect

This is the #1 tip that I have for you.  Inspect what you expect.  This idea will apply to all of the other tips. 

The first step to inspection is to Attend the Class Yourself.   The PRESS PLAY Training System is dramatically different than the training systems that many of my clients are accustomed to.  Our system is based on Principles, not Scripts.  Scripts are good, but they are not the focus.  Your script should come from your principles.

Because of this difference, we ask that the first person to attend be the owner or the manager.  If you know what is taught, you can more accurately inspect your expectations when the tech returns from the class.

Talk With The Instructor

A quick conversation with the instructor can prepare your tech, and your trainer, for the best experience.   We encourage an open conversation with all of our clients about the students they are sending.

We even take it one step further, we provide a complete Sales and Service Profile for every student before they even step into the classroom.  The profile identifies their personality type, and it also identifies the student’s strengths and weaknesses in the areas of sales and service.

Establish Expectations

It’s a sure bet that “if you don’t set a goal, you will hit it every time!”  (Thanks for that Pearl of Wisdom Zig!) 

Sit down with your plumber in advance and communicate your expectations.  These expectations need to include the following:

Performance: Define the performance numbers you expect the plumber to achieve upon returning from the program.  The programs are designed to get results.  They are fun, but that’s not why you are going.  You are going to make your life better.

Class Behavior:  Your plumber is representing himself and your company.  His behavior in the program should be a shining example.  I recommend the following as a good guideline for behavior:

  • Be on Time
  • Be Positive
  • Participate
  • Engage
  • Enjoy

After Class Behavior:  A Plumber and a Tech can erase 2 days of great training with one wild night.  Let it be clearly known that their nighttime behavior is as important as their classroom behavior.  I love this quote from Steve Egner of Steve’s Plumbing:

I tell my guys before they leave that they are attending the program to improve the lives of our clients, their own, and the people they impact.  I understand that a man may want to have a beer at the end of the day, but they understand explicitly the following:  If you get drunk, stay out too late, and waste this opportunity, you will be unceremoniously fired upon returning to Seattle.” Steve Egner

Create a Buddy System

It’s a fact that 2 heads are better than 1.  Having a training partner magnifies the results of the program.  

It’s best if the new tech can travel with you, or a manger.  The next best thing would be a trusted tech who has been there before.

Before you convince yourself that your company is too small to send a second tech, think outside the box.  Maybe the second tech doesn’t have to be from your company.

Who do you know that is already sending techs to the training program? I bet you found out about the program because of a referral from a friend.  Call her up, and ask her if she is sending someone.  Maybe you can work out a deal with her. “You watch my tech this time, I’ll watch your tech next time.”

Debrief Daily With Your Techs

Accountability is also the base of any successful outcome.  Establish an exact time, at the end of each day, when you and the tech will debrief with each other.

Let him know in advance that you will ask the following questions:

  • “What did you hear today that inspired you?”
  • “What did you learn that you will start doing when you return?”
  • “What did you learn today that we need to do at our business?”
  • “What will you need to do when you return to make sure you can implement the lessons learned?”

When you get the answers, write them down.  Go over them again when the tech returns.  Which leads to the last tip for success.

Have Your Tech Teach a Short Lesson from the Class

One of the best ways to learn, is to teach.  Have your technician deliver a short presentation on just one of the skills he learned at the training.  This is a great way to reinforce the lesson, and share the experience.

What Tips Do You Have For Getting The Most Out of Training?

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