
Looking Toward Technician Leads in an Independent Contracting Company

Sales inside of an HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company are driven by three important types of leads: Marketed Leads, Technician Leads, and Referral Leads.  Each of these particular leads work to generate sales as well as to grow and retain a strong client base.  These leads evolve out of potential customers’ service needs and their interest in the service company.  Last week, we explored the important components of marketed leads and in today’s post we are going to discuss the important aspects of technician-generated leads.  Below are three of the most essential areas of focus when working to increase your HVAC, plumbing, electrical independent contracting company’s technician-generated leads:

-Arrive Focused and Prepared to Work- 

A technician can improve his chances of generating a repair sale or a replacement lead by coming to the potential client’s door with tools in-hand and ready to work.  Before the technician even arrives, the client already knows that there are problems that need to be addressed. Naturally, this is advantageous for generating technician leads especially if the clients sees right off the bat that the technician is focused and ready to work.  A professional and focused demeanor let’s the client know that the technician is serious about his job, is committed to discovering the problem, and is dedicated to working to find the best solution.

Along with possessing a professional and focused demeanor, it is also important that a technician first address the initial problems that the client called the independent contracting company about before working to set a lead or exploring other areas of sales, service, or add-on opportunities. When a technician comes ready to work and addresses the customer’s initial problems first, then he begins to build rapport and grow client trust.  Developing this initial relationship on trust is the first step to generating lifelong clients and strong technician generated leads.   

-Capitalize on Opportunities

Technician generated leads possess an important feature and benefit that marketed leads and referral leads do not naturally have.  A technician lead is generated through face-to-face contact and a direct agreement between a company representative and a customer.  This type of direct lead generation eliminates many potential problems or hindrances that could occur between the period of the customer’s initial interest in the independent contracting company and their purposeful action to do business with that company. Removing possible deterrents and “roadblocks” within this action-oriented timeframe produces more efficient company-client interaction and greater results.

When it comes to technician lead generation, it is also important to remember that simply being invited to step foot into a customer’s home is a significant part of the battle.  When a technician makes a professional first impression and then performs a thorough diagnostic for a potential clients, it allows the call to progress smoothly thus giving the technician an opportunity to inform the client of all the options, add-ons, and service plans that can meet each of their specific needs.  Technicians should always capitalize on their opportunity to have a one-on-one conversation with the decision-makers.  This one-on-one time gives the technician a great chance to prove their HVAC, plumbing, electrical independent contracting company’s value, prove the client’s need for service, and work to build rapport and trust.

-Evaluate the “Big Picture”-

A technician’s job is to evaluate the “big picture” for potential clients.  A technician begins to evaluate the “big picture” by completing a full and thorough diagnostic that includes exploration of the entire system.  Once a technicians has completed the diagnostic and has explained to the client what he has found, he continues to reveal the larger picture through reviewing all of the customer’s options and using a cost comparison analysis to help the client make the most informed decision possible.

Within the cost comparison calculation, a technician will walk the customer through an analysis that includes components such as: the system’s longevity, the current repair total, the customer’s plans on staying in the home, the cost of future expenses, and potential inflation.  When a technician works with the client to bring all of these important components together then the client will be able to make the most logical and well-informed choice.  When technicians take the time to ensure that their clients understand the overall view of the diagnostic and all the possible options, it naturally leads the client to trust and respect the technician and his company.  The client’s growing confidence and esteem in the HVAC, plumbing, or electrical independent contracting company further results in a higher likelihood of lead generation and client retention.

Technician generated leads are an important aspect of increasing sales, retention, and client generation.  When a technician embraces a focused demeanor, capitalizes on his call opportunity, and works to present the client with the “big picture” then he is on his way to success in lead generation.  Thank you for following our weekly posts.  Here at Service Excellence Training, we turn learning into earning!

-Resource curated by Whitney Stewart of Service Excellence Training.

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